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h1b visa to Greencard

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  • h1b visa to Greencard

    I was hoping you would be able to advise me.
    I am a uk passport holder who has been working in the states for 1yr 7mnths on a h1b visa which lasts until January 2015.
    I am concerned that I may be layed off in the next few months due to a organization change.
    Am I allowed to stay in the states if I am layed off as my wife and children are here with me. My wife is a us citizen as are both my children(2yr old & 2wk old).
    1-Should I apply for a greencard?
    2-am I able to apply for a greencard now while I still am in possession of a h1b visa?
    3-should I tell my employer that I intend to apply for a greencard?

    Thanks for all the help

  • #2
    h1b visa to Greencard

    You can find another employer and try to transfer your H1 before your last working day. It's always better to process your petition in premium mode and it will help you to get the result in 15 days.


    • #3
      Originally posted by techconsortium View Post
      I was hoping you would be able to advise me.
      I am a uk passport holder who has been working in the states for 1yr 7mnths on a h1b visa which lasts until January 2015.
      I am concerned that I may be layed off in the next few months due to a organization change.
      Am I allowed to stay in the states if I am layed off as my wife and children are here with me. My wife is a us citizen as are both my children(2yr old & 2wk old).
      1-Should I apply for a greencard?
      2-am I able to apply for a greencard now while I still am in possession of a h1b visa?
      3-should I tell my employer that I intend to apply for a greencard?

      Thanks for all the help
      Hello, Techconsortium.

      If your wife is a US citizen, why are you not filing for a Green Card? A Green Card will make life so easy for you in the US. Many companies have jobs but are not willing to sponsor H1B, they only want GC holders. Your pool of jobs also will increase this way.

      Unless, ofcourse, you have some personal reasons for not filing for GC.

      Hope this helps.

      These are my personal thoughts. I am not a professional.

      Wishing you luck.


      • #4
        h1b visa to Greencard

        I agree natty however his main issue is that he might loose his job in few months. H1 transfer is his best option now to maintain his status.


        • #5
          Originally posted by kadkhiq81 View Post
          I agree natty however his main issue is that he might loose his job in few months. H1 transfer is his best option now to maintain his status.
          Hello, Kadkhiq.

          Thank you for note.

          Please correct me, if i am not fully accurate. If Techconsortium files for a marriage based Green Card, won't this GC petition supersede his H1B or any other visa petition.

          Marriage Based GC petition is a very potent and effective way to end the visa misery. Once he files this petition, he does not have to worry about anything else, maintaining any other visa status. Also, marriage based GC allows people to file for a status adjustment when they are NOT on any status. That is the reason, people enter US illegally and marry Citizens on contract.

          Here, Techconsortium is genuinely married to a US citizen and is maintaining a status and most importantly, is in need of visa help. I feel, a marriage based GC petition will put his visa problems to rest. But, this is my individual opinion.

          Thank you, again, Kadkhiq.

          These are my personal thoughts. I am not a professional.

          Wishing you luck.


          • #6
            h1b visa to Greencard

            No..no..You are correct but I am not sure how long would that take to get his GC active. I am not suggesting him to not to apply for it but it's good to look for a new employer before anything goes wrong.

            It's always good to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best!!

            It's my opinion again.





