Hello, very informative website. In a week my significant other is going to his home country to apply for a work visa. He filled out the ds-156 form and he saw the dreaded (to many) #37 question. He has a parent in the U.S. who is here illegally for about 3 years and is unsure of what to say. When he applied for a visa in the past (not sure when) he said no, on the advice of a family member, to protect his parent. Would him saying yes now and stating the parent is present here jeopardize his visa and the status of his parent? Should he just say 'parent visting family in another state for the holidays" or something? Do you think the consular official would ask for dates of travel to ascertain? What are the chances? Does the U.S. embassy check these records? Many people have suggested that he says no since saying yes opens up a whole can of worms. Others have said to simply tell the truth this time because he might be able to claim a mistake in the past and a second 'no' suggests a wilful lie. The parent lives with him by the way which adds further worry...
What are your suggestions? He is going crazy and I am going crazy too. :-(
What are your suggestions? He is going crazy and I am going crazy too. :-(