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Got 221g at Chennai (was a bad experience)

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  • Got 221g at Chennai (was a bad experience)

    Hi friends
    I am having 7 years of experience in IT industry, Master Degree in Computer Science from a reputed University, MCSD and JCP. I have been working at Singapore for the past 5 years for a UK Company, visited India for my H1B stamping on Nov 2005.

    Lets me share my experience.

    My appointment was on Nov 2005 third week, I had reached Chennai Consulate on before time waited for less than 5 min then got in. Usual securities check at the entrance and gave attendance at TTS counter paid DD for 441Rs. The VFS people (all Indian nationals) were checking the papers and keeping them in order into a folder, issuing a set of pink tokens which contains your number. I was waiting there with my wife and my son (4 years old), almost waited 50 min I got my turn. The young guy on the counter put my papers in order and wished us with a smiling face. I was so confident that I will be getting my H1B as I am having all the required documents from my employer(with good turnovers).

    Once we entered into the main building there were some 100-150 people waiting for their turn. We were asked to go for finger print scanning, we were lined up on a queue. The lady (American) who was conducting the scanning was in a very bad mood (very very bad Mood).

    Once our turn came in

    Me : Hi Good afternoon , How are you mam.
    Mam : (No response and stoned face)
    Mam : Place your left index finger
    Me : Done
    Mam : Place your right index finger
    Me : Done
    (Then it was my wife’s turn. Done. For my son Mam said no need)

    Me : Thank you very much Mam.
    Mam : No response
    (I was praying to God that He Should not put me in her counter and I was hoping that she is there only to perform scanning!!!!!)

    Then we were asked to wait there in the first hall. I was so cool and very confident. Even my son was enjoying the session. I was watching him and recalled my childhood hahaha !!!

    Then my number was called and they asked us to wait in front a specific counter. Oh man the same Mam’s counter . Then I started to hear my heart beats…!!!!. In front of me there were some 9 people. The first candidate on the queue got the visa and all the others got negative answer. The Mam was shouting and yelling and was in a terror mood. The way she was shouting at a old man aged around 70 was very bad. Finally my turn came in:

    Me : Hi Good afternoon, How are you Mam (Oh no not again)
    Mam : No response (Oh no not again) the same toned face.
    Mam : Pass me the file.
    Me : Done
    Mam : You are going to work as ?
    Me : Analyst Programmer
    Mam : To which Company that your are going to work
    Me : YYYY Company Name YYYY State.
    Mam : Does your company has client
    Me : Yes Mam, And I listed the clients name
    Mam : Which client that your going to work.
    Me : (very care fully) Mam I am going to work for the product development at my HQ. And will be involved in customization depends on the client requirements. Here are the details of the product that I am going to develop.
    Mam : So you are not sure which client that your going to work.
    Me : No Mam and (I had repeated the same but in brief)
    Me : No Mam I am not(said very politely and still maintaining the eye contact) .
    Me : I am Sorry Mam(No choice)
    Mam : I AM NOT GOING TO ISSUE THE VISA OK ( scratched her head and had some water)
    Mam : ( I think she felt bad) Sir can I have your education Certificates
    Me : Sure Mam
    Mam : (Checked it for 1 min and returned to me)
    Mam : Can I see your offer letter.
    Me : Sure Mam.
    Mam : I AM NOT GOING TO ISSUE THE VISA ( So strange at this point she didn’t even look at my offer letter )
    Mam : (Mam took the 221g form and ticking on that)
    Mam : Sir I need the client original letter stating that you are going to work for them.
    Me : Yes Mam.(with the smiling face huh no choice)
    Mam : (She gave me 221g while returning the all the documents she spend 2-3 min to look into my marriage photos..!!!! And making us to wait I was wondering what went wrong I got the intension of throwing the 221g right on her face but kept my self cool as I was thinking of other people waiting behind me)
    Mam : Returned the photos.
    Me : Thank you very much Mam and have a nice day.
    Mam : No response again stoned face(!!!!!)

    After we came out from the consulate I was so embraced on a question came from my son. “Dad why that person was shouting at you”….I had no answer but I said “She is doing her duty”

    And I am not going to reappear again. I had all the documents regarding the products, company photos but the treatment was very bad…I had noticed all the nearby counters all those VO were very friendly and issuing visa to the most and they were very nice to the candidates even though if they doesnt have the proper documents. But our Mam was shouting so that the security people at the entrance could hear her. Try your best but don’t get frustrated, working in USA is great Opportunity but life won’t end up if you don’t get the visa to USA. Be Confident.. Try your level best, everthing on VOs hand. All the best.
    Last edited by DontWorryBeHappy; 01-16-2006, 10:03 PM.

  • #2

    I do agree with you dude


    • #3
      Sorry for you!

      I feel sorry for you my friend. It looks like even if you are working for a top company, you either need to take an internal project detailed document or if you are working for a client, you need a client letter.
      It looks like in your case, the VO was expecting a client letter from the client you were going to work for. But, that's no way to treat a person, she must be one hell of a cranky lady.

      Originally posted by DontWorryBeHappy
      Hi friends
      I am having 7 years of experience in IT industry, Master Degree in Computer Science from a reputed University, MCSD and JCP. I have been working at Singapore for the past 5 years for a UK Company, visited India for my H1B stamping on Nov 2005.

      Let me share my experience.

      My appointment was on Nov 2005 third week, I had reached Chennai Consulate on before time waited for less than 5 min then got in. Usual securities check at the entrance and gave attendance at TTS counter paid DD for 441Rs. The VFS people (all Indian nationals) were checking the papers and keeping them in order into a folder, issuing a set of pink tokens which contains your number. I was waiting there with my wife and my son (4 years old), almost waited 50 min I got my turn. The young guy on the counter put my papers in order and wished us with a smiling face. I was so confident that I will be getting my H1B as I am having all the required documents from my employer(with good turnovers).

      Once we entered into the main building there were some 100-150 people waiting for their turn. We were asked to go for finger print scanning, we were lined up on a queue. The lady (American) who was conducting the scanning was in a very bad mood (very very bad Mood).

      Once our turn came in

      Me : Hi Good afternoon , How are you mam.
      Mam : (No response and stoned face)
      Mam : Place your left index finger
      Me : Done
      Mam : Place your right index finger
      Me : Done
      (Then it was my wife’s turn. Done. For my son Mam said no need)

      Me : Thank you very much Mam.
      Mam : No response
      (I was praying to God that He Should not put me in her counter and I was hoping that she is there only to perform scanning!!!!!)

      Then we were asked to wait there in the first hall. I was so cool and very confident. Even my son was enjoying the session. I was watching him and recalled my childhood hahaha !!!

      Then my number was called and they asked us to wait in front a specific counter. Oh man the same Mam’s counter . Then I started to hear my heart beats…!!!!. In front of me there were some 9 people. The first candidate on the queue got the visa and all the others got negative answer. The Mam was shouting and yelling and was in a terror mood. The way she was shouting at a old man aged around 70 was very bad. Finally my turn came in:

      Me : Hi Good afternoon, How are you Mam (Oh no not again)
      Mam : No response (Oh no not again) the same toned face.
      Mam : Pass me the file.
      Me : Done
      Mam : You are going to work as ?
      Me : Analyst Programmer
      Mam : To which Company that your are going to work
      Me : YYYY Company Name YYYY State.
      Mam : Does your company has client
      Me : Yes Mam, And I listed the clients name
      Mam : Which client that your going to work.
      Me : (very care fully) Mam I am going to work for the product development at my HQ. And will be involved in customization depends on the client requirements. Here are the details of the product that I am going to develop.
      Mam : So you are not sure which client that your going to work.
      Me : No Mam and (I had repeated the same but in brief)
      Me : No Mam I am not(said very politely and still maintaining the eye contact) .
      Me : I am Sorry Mam(No choice)
      Mam : I AM NOT GOING TO ISSUE THE VISA OK ( scratched her head and had some water)
      Mam : ( I think she felt bad) Sir can I have your education Certificates
      Me : Sure Mam
      Mam : (Checked it for 1 min and returned to me)
      Mam : Can I see your offer letter.
      Me : Sure Mam.
      Mam : I AM NOT GOING TO ISSUE THE VISA ( So strange at this point she didn’t even look at my offer letter )
      Mam : (Mam took the 221g form and ticking on that)
      Mam : Sir I need the client original letter stating that you are going to work for them.
      Me : Yes Mam.(with the smiling face huh no choice)
      Mam : (She gave me 221g while returning the all the documents she spend 2-3 min to look into my marriage photos..!!!! And making us to wait I was wondering what went wrong I got the intension of throwing the 221g right on her face but kept my self cool as I was thinking of other people waiting behind me)
      Mam : Returned the photos.
      Me : Thank you very much Mam and have a nice day.
      Mam : No response again stoned face(!!!!!)

      After we came out from the consulate I was so embraced on a question came from my son. “Dad why that person was shouting at you”….I had no answer but I said “She is doing her duty”

      And I am not going to reappear again. I had all the documents regarding the products, company photos but the treatment was very bad…I had noticed all the nearby counters all those VO were very friendly and issuing visa to the most and they were very nice to the candidates even though if they doesnt have the proper documents. But our Mam was shouting so that the security people at the entrance could hear her. Try your best but don’t get frustrated, working in USA is great Opportunity but life won’t end up if you don’t get the visa to USA. Be Confident.. Try your level best, everthing on VOs hand. All the best.


      • #4
        Which counter

        Which counter did you go to?.Was it Counter No.1?.


        • #5

          It was on Counter 3 and Thanks for your concern GCONLY
          Last edited by DontWorryBeHappy; 01-12-2006, 05:40 AM.


          • #6
            Similar Experience

            I have asked because I had similar experience at Counter No.1 and I was asked to provide some 3 documents under 221(g).


            • #7
              Anyone hadthe same experience

              Anyone had the same experience ???


              • #8
                U shud escalate

                Dude ! U shud escalate it to the highest level in the counsulate. this is ill treatment


                • #9
                  Hi dude, even i am thinking of that. Does anyone knows the procedure???


                  • #10
                    I see a point here

                    Mam : Does your company has client
                    Me : Yes Mam, And I listed the clients name
                    Mam : Which client that your going to work.
                    Me : (very care fully) Mam I am going to work for the product development at my HQ. And will be involved in customization depends on the client requirements. Here are the details of the product that I am going to develop.
                    Mam : So you are not sure which client that your going to work.
                    Me : No Mam

                    When you were desribing your job, you sadi it in a way thats its kind of dependent on the cleint requirements, So obviously she was expeting you to know the client you are gonna work for. You also presented her detials of the product you are gonna work for, how could some one develop a product for the client without knowing who the exact client is? whatz their business is? So I definitely see a point here considering these questions.

                    Also, from your point of description, I see a kind of behaviour where she lacks some manners, for which she might be given a training class for an hour or 2.

                    To be in your shoes and feel the situation, Its really bad, I know and Iam truely sorry for that.

                    As you said, things wont end up if you dont get a VISA to USA. In fact, you wouldnt miss anything staying in INDIA, cuz thats wat really is happening here, all jobs flying to INDIA.

                    NOT A LEGAL ADVISER
                    USE IT AT YOUR RISK



                    • #11
                      No room for emotions here

                      No room for emotions here.Get the client letter or the market analysis doc.
                      We must remember to put ourselves in the shoes of visa officers who are bombarded day in day out by overambitious greedy indian nationals who think
                      the GRASS is the greenest in USA.but fail to get their documentation right.

                      Give them a break,stop boasting of your experience & qualifications,get your documentation right.Present them right.Answer without stutter.
                      Get some clarity in whatever you say.I doubt you will have any problems if you do these things correctly.

                      Every person applying for a visa is seen as a potential immigrant.

                      This is not a legal advise.How can it be,im not a lawer.


                      • #12
                        Itinerary of services or engagements specifying the dates

                        Hi friends,
                        I got 2 times 221(g) in chennai.
                        I got query called "A Complete itinerary of services or engagements specifying the dates of each service or engagement, the names and address of agent, the names and addressess of the actual employers, and the names and addresses of the establishment, venues, or locations where the services will be performed"

                        If anybody have the same experience. Please Share with me.and also if anybody have the answer templete of this. Please let me know. Its very urgent



                        • #13
                          Itinerary of services or engagements dates

                          Hi friends,
                          I got 2 times 221(g) in chennai.
                          I got query called "A Complete itinerary of services or engagements specifying the dates of each service or engagement, the names and address of agent, the names and addressess of the actual employers, and the names and addresses of the establishment, venues, or locations where the services will be performed"

                          If anybody have the same experience. Please Share with me.and also if anybody have the answer templete of this. Please let me know. Its very urgent



                          • #14
                            Sorry but I dont like ur atitude. This is not life that u give up like this. Prepare once again & go ahead. Thing is not USA but thing is ur success. Its easy to give up but difficult to make it. I dont want to make u upset but its 90% like that u get same lady next time too. Actually same VO handle 221(g). but dont worry if u have right docs, education then its ur right to get right opportunity & her duty to issue VISA. Dont worry & go ahead. Good luck from my side.


                            • #15
                              H1B Query-- Client Letter + Notarized

                              Hi All,

                              I have gone for H1B and got Query 221(g) in October, Actually its an urgent requirement to that Client, so my company replaced some other resource instead of me. Can I go with the other Client Letter for Visa stamping.

                              Mam : Does your company has client
                              Me : Yes Mam, And I listed the clients name
                              Mam : Which client that your going to work.
                              Me : I am going to work for the product development on the client requirements at my HQ.
                              Mam: Client's Description?
                              Me: I have given description about the client
                              Mam: Query 221(g) = Client Letter + Notarization.

                              Highly appreciate if any one suggest me in this regard.






