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Kolkata Consulate Visa Appointment Dates 2015

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  • Kolkata Consulate Visa Appointment Dates 2015

    I am trying to schedule visa interview (OFC and PI) at he Kolkata consulate. As of now(July 20) I am only allowed to book appointment till Oct 16. I want to travel in December. All the dates in November and December are grayed out. The Hyderabad, Mumbai and Delhi consulates have slots open till end of December. Only Chennai and Kolkata are stuck in October.

    My question:

    1. Can any one give me some idea if the Nov-Dec dates are already booked or have not been unlocked yet for booking? I asked the same question to the support but they answered that they cant comment on future availability but " to keep checking for the availability of the slots ".

    2. Shall I wait for the slots to open in Nov-Dec or is it a good idea to book the already available slots? Any help is highly appreciated.




