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veena, please help - 221g- resubmitting the docs

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  • veena, please help - 221g- resubmitting the docs

    Hi Veena,

    first time i got 221g for internal product details and market analysis documents.
    Second time when i appeared with these documents consulate officer just rejected saying that these documents are not in proper format.(Mainly i carried a bunch of docs, so she said it was not in a readable format). Also by having one look at the market analysis, she said it is not a market analysis document. However this document had the required content but it is not arranged correctly. example. first couple of pages it talked abt the company and the product. The acual market analysis started on later pages. But now i realize she just turned the first few pages and decided the document not having the market analysis info.

    Now for the thirdtime i need to submit these document via drop box. VO has retained the docs which i submitted second time (market analysis etc).
    now i am going to change the format (arrangement) of the existing market analysis doc (What do you feel, Is this fine? ) and submit the copy in original this time.

    And my second query is , should the covering letter this time provide convincing reasons/apology for previous improper document format and should say how it is addressed in the new documentation?

    What if the covering letter does not mention these points?
    please provide your suggestions. i will ask my employer to go accordingly.

    Thanks a lot,

  • #2
    Explain everything that you think was a discrepancy the last occasion on the cover letter. There is no harm in apologising for the wrongful arrangement of papers. Make sure that everything is in place this time. The process of visa issuance will be smoother if you impress the Visa Officer with perfect documentation so that your case is decided upon favourably in the few minutes allocated to you.All the Best.


    • #3
      need format for marketing analysis

      Hai pramba,

      What happend to ur visa?Did u get thru... Mine is also a similar situation like u..... I need format for marketing analysis. If u provide this i will b very much thankful to u....'ll b waiting for ur humble reply.


      • #4
        Veena pls reply to me

        Hi veena,

        I have attended the visa interview on Nov 15th 2005. And I was issued 221g for project details and market analysis. The VO returned all my documents accept DS156. pls tell me do I need to fill the form once again. if so, what changed I have do in this DS156 form next time.



        • #5
          Originally posted by mastana_cc
          Hi veena,

          I have attended the visa interview on Nov 15th 2005. And I was issued 221g for project details and market analysis. The VO returned all my documents accept DS156. pls tell me do I need to fill the form once again. if so, what changed I have do in this DS156 form next time.

          Yes. You will have to fill out a fresh DS 156. You will need to mention the details of the previous refusal in the relevant column.
          (NOT LEGAL ADVICE)


          • #6
            market analysis

            Hi Veena -

            Please provide me a sample or format of market analysis document that need to be submmited in case of h1 visa and for in-house project.

            Thanks a lot in advance,





