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l1 to h1

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  • l1 to h1


    Below are my travel dates with same employer and I am still working in US with same employer. Please let me know if my H1 stay calculation will start from 13 Sep 2008 or 26 feb 2011. Note that I converted my L1 to H1 in second step below and there is more than 1 year gap between step 2 and step 3

    1)I travelled to US on L1 on 13 Sep 2008 and returned to India on 13 Nov 2008.

    2)Again travelled on L1 on 6 Jan 2009. Got converted my L1 to H1 with same employer during this visit (H1 Approval date starting 1 Oct 2009). I returned back on 14 Dec 2009.

    3)I travelled back on H1 after duration of 1 year on 26 feb 2011 and returned back on 30 Nov 2013




