everybody.I've attended on Jan4th and VO kept my case under221(g) and asked me to comeback after feb14th with Marketing Analysis,Itenerary of services and List of current inhouse projects.
When i contacted my employer she is saying that they are trying to get the documents on Clients letterhead if its not possible they will send on their (employers)letter head.Is it acceptable???
While going second time am i need to carry latest payslips of jan and feb and updated bank statements or i can take the old statements and paystubs which i carried first time???
VO ticked for totally 3 letters(Iternary of sevices,marketing analysis and List of current projects) My employer saying they will make it in to two letters (Iternary+marketing analysis) and ( list of current project) is it ok???
Is Letters from Client letter head is a must???
please clarify me
Thanks and regards
[email protected]
everybody.I've attended on Jan4th and VO kept my case under221(g) and asked me to comeback after feb14th with Marketing Analysis,Itenerary of services and List of current inhouse projects.
When i contacted my employer she is saying that they are trying to get the documents on Clients letterhead if its not possible they will send on their (employers)letter head.Is it acceptable???
While going second time am i need to carry latest payslips of jan and feb and updated bank statements or i can take the old statements and paystubs which i carried first time???
VO ticked for totally 3 letters(Iternary of sevices,marketing analysis and List of current projects) My employer saying they will make it in to two letters (Iternary+marketing analysis) and ( list of current project) is it ok???
Is Letters from Client letter head is a must???
please clarify me
Thanks and regards
[email protected]