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Came on H1 but no Job, Want to go back

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  • Came on H1 but no Job, Want to go back

    Hi All,

    I am in a situation. Employer told i have a Job ready and I cam to US 10 days back. After coming i realized, things are pretty much different here.

    There is no job and looks like employer is not showing any or not generating Pay stubs. Also the Job market is not that favorable. Employer is just asking me to change the technology which i dont know and asking me to try myself.

    What i am thinking is to come back and want to go through a big company in future, if not in Near. I have few questions.

    1. I want to tell my employer that i am leaving due to personal emergency
    2. In this case, if he revokes Visa, will i come under cap exempt, if some one in my country want to transfer my petition.
    3. As i am leaving with in 2 weeks, as i realized it is a fraud what are my chances in future if some other company files a petition.
    4. I will try to get a paystub atleast one this 2 weeks, but if i dont get will there be any problem.

    I am not in a position to believe another consultancy and that is why i don't want to take one more risk of asking for transfer etc. Please suggest.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • #2
    Not sure about your domain. but why dont you try getting a job with some major company and till that time stick with the current employer?


    • #3
      That's the problem with shady consultancies, a number of which are fraudulent.. as you found out.

      One thing that sounds odd is you mentioned there is no job; was your H1b was sponsored by the consultancy without a job? If I didn't know any better, that would seem like borderline fraud.

      You need to report these idiots.. by email.. to the US embassy where you interviewed for the H1. This consultancy is likely scamming others too.





