My wife attended for H4 few days back, today we received the stamped passport valid till 2009.
While checking for the correctness of name we found that my name (spouse Name it was mentioned as annotation) was mispelled.
Did any one come across this situation , if yes then what should we be doing to get it corrected?
We have booked ticket for this month end, will it be a problem if she travels with out any correction on to VISA...
Please your help in this regards greatly appreciated..
My wife attended for H4 few days back, today we received the stamped passport valid till 2009.
While checking for the correctness of name we found that my name (spouse Name it was mentioned as annotation) was mispelled.
Did any one come across this situation , if yes then what should we be doing to get it corrected?
We have booked ticket for this month end, will it be a problem if she travels with out any correction on to VISA...
Please your help in this regards greatly appreciated..