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H1 Tx'fer without knowledgeof compA

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  • H1 Tx'fer without knowledgeof compA

    Hello Friends,

    I work for company A, want to transfer to company B without the knowledge of comp A until my H1 trasfer get stamped. if my H1 transfer get failed / rejected due to some reason,

    1.Is it possible to do transfer without the knowlege of Comp A?

    2. Does the Company A will come to know abt my transfer by USCIS / comp B (during H1 transfer or after)??

    3. in case, if my transfer get failed or rejected, can I able to continue my work with comp A as of now?

    Please guide me ASAP, am in trouble..


  • #2
    It is absolutely possible to file an H-1B for Company B without the knowledge of Company A. That is common when someone has a new H-1B opportunity with another company. There is no reason Company A should know.

    Company A would not know unless you gave your notice and provided them with that information. USCIS will not contact them for any reason ands there is no reason Company A should find out unless you or someone else informs them of your filing.

    Your H-1B with Company A remains valid as long as they do not let you go. If you filed with Company B and it is rejected, you may continue to work with Company A on your already approved H-1B.







