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H1b - No 221g - Cross Verification For Us Employer - All Original Docs Sullendered

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  • #16
    Hi Rahul

    I also dont know rahul... may i know when u attended the interview ?
    (i think the u faced the same lady VO )

    Just refer our Senior Mr (or Miss) Sreedevi Reddy gaaru mails...

    Thanks and regards,
    Balaji S


    • #17
      I got mail from Consulate sreedevi

      Your case is still under administrative processing. As soon as the process is complete, the consulate will contact you with further instructions.

      Visa Information Unit
      American Consulate General
      220, Anna Salai
      Chennai - 600006
      Telephone - 91-44-28574242/28574000
      Website: http://chennai.usconsulate.gov


      • #18
        Hi Sri oo1...If am not Wrong Balaji S


        As far as i know, I guess it a very Good News that it is under AAP, ( You atleast now know that it is a case under AAP ), so now you really dont have to Worry regarding this issue. Now you have made sure that this case is under AAP, Hoping that they will get back to you very Sooon...

        so, Ther You Go... you have played your Part well, Now its their turn to do what is Neccesary and Quickly...

        Lets Hope it turns out to be in your Favor...

        Just Relax Mighty,

        Sreedevi Reddy


        • #19
          Hi Sreedevi

          But the VO told me that she is going to send it to USCIS.
          what is AAP and USCIS process?
          I cant diffrentiate AAP and USCIS process...
          Confusion Continues...



          • #20
            Aap <----> Uscis

            Hey Sri ..

            When they say "Your case is sent to USCIS", it is round about way (should I call it Polite way) of saying your case is going to be put (or held) under AAP.

            All cases that they put under AAP will have to be sent to USCIS, Washington.
            Until consulate gets nod from USCIS, you willl not hear anything back from the consulate.

            Let me tell you .. what USCIS cares for. USCIS(formerly called INS) would be interested to know how your employer is doing
            and also see how your petition is filed, how your case is projected in the petition.

            a) TAX RETURNS: They check your employer's tax returns. They try to know how many ppl are being paid and how many are not paid (on bench).
            Wage reports and Tax returns help them to check this. Sometimes they get back to employers asking for an explanation,
            why ppl are not paid. If they donot get satisfactory answers or if the "not paid" numbers are big ... YOU ARE GOING TO

            b) PROJECT: if you say inhouse project, they see if there is really any such project running on in... they get back to employers asking
            for list of employees for this project. Project specs and all. And if you said, it is client project and have a client letter.. .they check with client
            if they have really a position for you. Usually if they are suspicious about point (a) above, things may drag to point (b). if they are quite happy in
            point (a) regard, then it would be cake walk, they might not check point (b).

            C) YOUR CASE: This is like " CHECKING YOU". they check how your case is projected... your experience... your technologies...
            your qualification .. your resume. if everything matches you are through.

            d) Body shopper or development firm : They maintain a database of the companies .. and categorize companies into either body shoppers (consultants) or
            development firms. Companies in DEVELOPMENT FIRMS category.... take priority. You will hear in weeks.
            Last edited by Madmox; 03-06-2007, 09:22 PM.


            • #21

              Thank u sreedevi reddy garu and sri ,,and also thanks for giving us a clear idea of what is USCIS and APP ,..now i m clear ........

              Very much satisfied after hearing from u ,,so the only thing what i can do presently is keep on pushing my employer to get it done,,,,,,,

              a small clarification is that ,,,fine if my employer has done the necessary things to be done then how will i get the intimation and what is that i have to do after that ,.,.,.,should i apply for a new date again and attened the interview again or should i use the drop box ???????Hope u got my question ......
              Please !!waiting for ur replyy.!!!!!!!



              • #22
                To your question Rahul Garu

                You should not be waiting for my reply.... I mean, you should actually be waiting to hear from the consulate. They will tell you what you need to do,
                when they get signal(could be Green or Red, but often Green) from USCIS.

                You will get an email from them. And meanwhile you can check the AAP cases status pdf in the Chennai Website(or Delhi website) and see how things are progressing (atleast relatively).


                • #23
                  Thk u Madmox

                  Thanks a lot Madmox for your detailed reply...



                  • #24
                    Hey Rahul...

                    Hey Rahul,

                    Plz don’t call me Sreedevi “Garu”, I Guess Sreedevi would do…
                    After the Process is over, the consulate would directly either call you, send you an Email and in Most cases Send you a Letter asking for your Passport for the Most Awaited “Stamping”. (This Happens if everything works out fine and Positive)

                    Secondly, If the Outcome is Negative, (If they are not satisfied about your Employers Reply or any other issue related to your employer, then they would simply Revoke your Petition and Intimate both You and Your Employer regarding the same stating your Case has been suspended due to the reasons Being “ blah.....blahhh…Blahhh…….”they will not return any of the Documents.

                    There is one thing very Important to Note, In Cases like these, If there is nothing wrong on the Applicants Side then there is no Black mark on your record (i.e) You can very well apply with a Different Employer in the next years Quota without any Hassles.

                    You need not book a new appointment atall, If it is Approved now, They will ask you to drop your Passport through VFS and also other documents
                    ( Incase Required ) and are returned to you by Courier Service I.e BlueDart

                    Hope your uncertainty is clarified…

                    Sreedevi Reddy


                    • #25
                      Madmox has a question

                      Chennai consulates issues 221(g) forms in three colors.

                      1) White form : Big sorry. We are no longer handling your case.
                      2) Pink form: Sorry , your case needs further processing.
                      3) Blue form: a) sorry now, please get these docs(usually from employer)
                      and b) Sorry, Additional Administrative processing, your case
                      sent to USCIS. USCIS will contact your PETITIONER.

                      I noticed PINK FORM is also given to F1(students) guys and L1 guys and has to do with security clearance(because of having common names or what so ever fishy reason). And this might take good time. Also this has nothing to do with checking your employer. Pink forms are actually sent to DOS (Department of State).

                      and 3 (b) is what many ppl are falling into, I believe, where in they check employers. and I believe falling into 3(b) is little better than falling into 2(pink form).

                      PLEASE enlighten me more. Contradict me or support me. Need your view points.
                      Last edited by Madmox; 03-07-2007, 07:30 AM.


                      • #26
                        H1 aspirant says "Good BYE" to H1 visa

                        Last edited by cbz; 11-15-2009, 08:35 AM.


                        • #27
                          Hello CBZ

                          Hello CBZ,
                          What is meant by revoking the petition?
                          (i.e. they cancelled your H1B Visa??????)
                          areyou mentioning the H1B petition itself or DS-156 ?



                          • #28
                            I am sorry CBZ.

                            Sorry yaar CBZ.

                            Looks like there is a stupid lady visa officer out there.. who
                            does not issue handouts atleast (if not visas).
                            Chennai Consulate really SCUKS.

                            I want you to confirm a thing. Did they stamp anything back on
                            your passport. If they donot stamp anything... you still have a chance.
                            Send them an email.. and confirm your case.

                            And we cannot avoid desi consultants. Which US company has time
                            to file a petition for a prospective employee who is going to join them
                            as a fulltime employee almost an year later. THEY CANNOT WAIT. Neither
                            they recruit so plannedly. They have to be dynamic in strategies.
                            Companies which have offshore branches and have a planned
                            strategy can only afford to do H1Bs. And the rest of the US companies
                            only look at consultants for manpower. And more than 60% of H1Bs
                            are filed thru consultants.

                            So I suggest... do some checking on your part before you decide
                            to go with a desi consultant. Few of them are very good and they
                            pay while on bench too.
                            Last edited by Madmox; 03-07-2007, 09:30 AM.


                            • #29
                              HI Madam

                              I also got white 221(g) ...... syas that

                              "Based on the documents you have submitted to us and the information elicited in your interview with Americal COnsular Officer you
                              do not appear qualified for an h1B temporary work visa"

                              "In accordance with United States law and Department of State guidelines action on your case has been suspended, and your petition for a Non-immigrant Worker filed on your behalf was returned to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) with a memorandum explaining the facts of your case as presented to us at the time of interview. The U.S. Consulate in Chennai is no longer handling your case, and will be unable to give you any information on the status of your petition"

                              "For your information your visa was refused today under the section 221(g) of immigration and nationality act. Essentially this section states that a visa cannot be issued to anyone whose application doesnot appear to the COnsular Officer to meet the requirements of INA or the regulations thereunder "

                              so can u please help me regarding on.........
                              Can u please give me ur contact number and contact email id

                              My mail id : [email protected]

                              Can u please mail me ur contact number..

                              Thanks in advance,
                              Sreenivasa Reddy

                              Originally posted by sreedeviReddy
                              Hey Rahul,

                              Plz don’t call me Sreedevi “Garu”, I Guess Sreedevi would do…
                              After the Process is over, the consulate would directly either call you, send you an Email and in Most cases Send you a Letter asking for your Passport for the Most Awaited “Stamping”. (This Happens if everything works out fine and Positive)

                              Secondly, If the Outcome is Negative, (If they are not satisfied about your Employers Reply or any other issue related to your employer, then they would simply Revoke your Petition and Intimate both You and Your Employer regarding the same stating your Case has been suspended due to the reasons Being “ blah.....blahhh…Blahhh…….”they will not return any of the Documents.

                              There is one thing very Important to Note, In Cases like these, If there is nothing wrong on the Applicants Side then there is no Black mark on your record (i.e) You can very well apply with a Different Employer in the next years Quota without any Hassles.

                              You need not book a new appointment atall, If it is Approved now, They will ask you to drop your Passport through VFS and also other documents
                              ( Incase Required ) and are returned to you by Courier Service I.e BlueDart

                              Hope your uncertainty is clarified…

                              Sreedevi Reddy


                              • #30
                                Oh my god !

                                Sreenivas Reddy,

                                Please excuse me for coming in between your conversation with Sreedevi Reddy.

                                Once they gave you white 221(g), YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CHOICE.
                                You can do nothing about it now.

                                Just get over it and see if you can apply for next year H1B cap.

                                All the best.





