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H1b - No 221g - Cross Verification For Us Employer - All Original Docs Sullendered

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  • #46
    Re: CBZ

    Yeah go ahead.... mention " 2006: 362-2X6-X " in the subject. 2006 being the year in which you first appeared for H1B visa stamping.
    And you know what is X. Don't forget to replace it. Request them for the status of your application.

    Hope you will hear something good back from them.



    • #47
      Dear All

      Dear All,
      -- I am amazing about this thread created by Sreedevi...Its becoming one of the most replies and views with five star rating thread in www.immihelp.com with in the short period...
      --Also I strongly beleive this thread will give a confidence to the professinals who are all irritated by the consulate after 221g interview (with or without handouts).
      -- Also thanking the people Sreedevi,Madmox who are giving useful informations.

      Hi sreedevi,
      Who delayed your H1B?
      If am a VO I will approve Green card to you..

      Dear CBZ,
      --Please send the mail with your passport#, I797# and your previous 221G case# details to [email protected] with polite words ...
      -- They will respond it very soon ...
      -- Sreedevi is correct...Actually i got reply with in 1 hour
      -- and also dont forget to intimate your employer.
      -- My employer told me that they are tracking the details with the help of their lawyers.

      I request you all to keep posting updated information on your case...



      • #48
        Hi ,

        Its really interesting to go this way..I thnk if we hold our nerve ths way propbably we can be clear about our progres..

        Then tnx to sreedevi & madmox who are really the fire power users of ths thread... more precise thy are very relaxed abt their case which is reqd at ths stage instead of panicing..

        I have mailed the chennai consualte as per the gurus ..Let me tel u guys the response they give me...so pray for me til then.

        I am very gald and happpy once again to stay active in ths thread...i hv posted many quieres in past for my case ..but ths is most critical phase we are in...now the kind of support we give each other is really awesome.

        keep up goood wrk guys..



        • #49
          Re: Sreedevi

          Madam Ji,

          You did not reply to my question for you. Have not you read my post #39? Please reply.



          • #50
            Hi all,

            I have got the reply from the chennai consualte jus in 1 hour

            I asked
            1)What is the current status of my case?
            2)When can i expect reply from the consualte

            Here is the reply

            "It would take at least 4 to 6 weeks to send it to USCIS. The current status of your case is that it will be sent to USCIS soon"

            Now from this can i assume that my case is still alive??

            please tel me for any case whose petition is revoked what action does the consulate take??
            1)will a handout is issued?
            2)is a mail sent stating the petiton is cancelled?

            can someone give info about how a petition cancellation is notified?



            • #51
              Re: CBZ

              Yes, I strongly believe. Your case is still alive and you are still in the game, dear CBZ!!

              But we should confirm it for sure, reply to that mail, with something like below.....

              "Thanks a bunch for the reply! I regret to bug you with another mail but I am anxious to know this, as all my future plans are in jeopardy. As I try to understand your reply, I started wondering why it takes 4-6 weeks, just to send a case to USCIS. Or Do you actually mean it is the administrative processing, that is going to take 4-6 weeks?

              Thanking you in advance. "
              Last edited by Madmox; 03-09-2007, 10:12 AM.


              • #52
                Hello Madmox...

                Originally posted by Madmox
                Madam Ji,

                You did not reply to my question for you. Have not you read my post #39? Please reply.

                Hello Madmox,

                I Guess there is no harm in posing a Question once again - So Please do;

                Sreedevi Reddy


                • #53
                  Re: Sreedevi

                  Madam gaaru ... meeku intha braddakamu anukoledu. Just kidding...andi.

                  Here it goes...

                  1) My question is ... have you taken with you , the inhouse project specs and market analysis docs(if any) on your second visit to the consulate ?

                  2) I think your case is blue 221(G) with admin process checked, so chennai consulate still is responsible to talk about the status of your case.
                  Why don't you quote your old ref ID, to get the status of your application.
                  (I am asking this, because you look to be thinking your case to be white 221(G) ) What do you say ?

                  The whole idea behind asking the above two points...

                  I believe your employer is a body shopper and is doing that properly.
                  If your case is in admin processing, and if your employer is capable of getting you a client letter(just first suppose), you can probably very well change the odds of your case, by letting the consulate know that your employer also has another position for you at their client base. And you can send to consulate the client letter if they positively respond, and asks you to send them the client letter.

                  Reason being: Consulate people can know whether your employer is a body shopper or a core development firm, and can also guess if there is an inhouse project runing there, by looking at the Tax Returns and Wage reports. So when they looked at those documents in your case.. .they were not convinced that your employer is going to place you in an inhouse project.

                  Consulate people better knew "what is meant by inhouse project". They are sick of it. But if the funding is good, sometimes they issue visas even if you said it is inhouse project. It is a tricky game there.

                  Now first, just think about my whole idea, before you really start with all your might to try change the odds. Somehow, I think you are fighter.. So I want you to fight with sense.

                  Excuse me if you think I am taking you no where.
                  Last edited by Madmox; 03-10-2007, 07:29 AM.


                  • #54
                    to madmox

                    please take back ur words wat u written in first line (telugu) ................my friend,
                    our members are providing sufficient information for all ,hope u will do that .



                    • #55
                      Re: Khasim

                      Hello Khasim,

                      What do you mean by "take your words back" ? It was as if I was rude and after somebody there.
                      If you just mean to say, you(or everbody) do not understand telugu. Then there is no info in that line.
                      I still do not understand what do you mean by "take back your words" .

                      Last edited by Madmox; 03-10-2007, 09:14 AM.


                      • #56

                        Originally posted by Madmox
                        Madam gaaru ... meeku intha braddakamu anukoledu. Just kidding...andi.

                        Here it goes...

                        1) My question is ... have you taken with you , the inhouse project specs and market analysis docs(if any) on your second visit to the consulate ?

                        2) I think your case is blue 221(G) with admin process checked, so chennai consulate still is responsible to talk about the status of your case.
                        Why don't you quote your old ref ID, to get the status of your application.
                        (I am asking this, because you look to be thinking your case to be white 221(G) ) What do you say ?

                        The whole idea behind asking the above two points...

                        I believe your employer is a body shopper and is doing that properly.
                        If your case is in admin processing, and if your employer is capable of getting you a client letter(just first suppose), you can probably very well change the odds of your case, by letting the consulate know that your employer also has another position for you at their client base. And you can send to consulate the client letter if they positively respond, and asks you to send them the client letter.

                        Reason being: Consulate people can know whether your employer is a body shopper or a core development firm, and can also guess if there is an inhouse project runing there, by looking at the Tax Returns and Wage reports. So when they looked at those documents in your case.. .they were not convinced that your employer is going to place you in an inhouse project.

                        Consulate people better knew "what is meant by inhouse project". They are sick of it. But if the funding is good, sometimes they issue visas even if you said it is inhouse project. It is a tricky game there.

                        Now first, just think about my whole idea, before you really start with all your might to try change the odds. Somehow, I think you are fighter.. So I want you to fight with sense.

                        Excuse me if you think I am taking you no where.
                        ____________________________________________________________ _____
                        Hello Mr.Madmox,

                        Well, does is look like I am trying to be “Lazy / Lethargic” to you. Till date no one has considered me to be a part of that lot. But if you strongly feel that way, then probably I need to get my self evaluated on that grounds. The reason why I asked you to post your Query again was B’Coz I was under the notion that I had covered all the points that you have raised on your previous post.

                        Here they are….

                        1. I have taken all possible documentation in relation to the Project details that I had projected, Plz find below the documents that I had with me on the second visit ( Few of them I had it on my First visit too – but was asked to submit all in a set )

                         A Complete Project Itinerary explaining details of my project start dates – Tech specs Etc.
                         A complete Project report of the Project ( Design Phase )
                         Market Analysis
                         Project Compass Report &
                         Financial report including the End user satisfactory memorandum.
                        **( None of the Above Documents were even looked at, except the first one which was a query related Doc – even after I have requested them and informed them about the availability of such documents with me – They clearly conveyed this “ It has nothing to do with any Documentation – We need to send you Application to USCIS for further Verification”)

                        2. I Still consider my case to be a 221G (Blue) specifically under the AAP category ( Recently had Zeroed onto this after having confirmed with an Immigration Attorney ).

                         I have already Mailed them asking for the details regarding the case - they have replied stating that my case will be sent to USCIS for further Enquiry / Verification what ever we name it to be.
                         You are Right, for all Practical purposes, Chennai consulate is still addressing my case, But I strongly feel, that I need to give some more time before I shoot another email to them.

                        Your whole proposal on this Issue is Absolutely Very much relevant and very Apt and also goes very well in tune with the prevailing situation. But there is a Situation here where we need to carefully take a step on our fore front.

                         I have already projected my case to be of an In- house project, I have raised similar doubt with my employer and also with an Attorney – According to them, we need to stick to what we have initially projected. (but YES, we can definitely have a back up or an Alternate client letter which would definitely fade off the downbeats in this case ).
                         We need to convince them only on the grounds where we have taken this case to be, If we try to change the whole scenario, then it will create a very wrong Impression not only on the Employer but on the Employee Too. This would actually weaken the case. ( according to them )
                         I was also not very much convinced with the answer that I got from them – According to me, the chances of me getting an offer from a client to work with him are always there. It is not necessary that I cannot change the project that I am going to do with them. But at the End of the day I am still with the Same Employer (Legally, I am not supposed to change the Employers – which I didn’t – He still remains to be my employer). As you suggested this would actually nullify all the negatives that I had in my case – It actually makes Lot of Sense to me. “”I did discuss this with my Employer a couple of days ago and am still awaiting their Reply””

                        You are very right, they are sick and tired of the Buzz word “In-House Project” and they are very seriously looking at it in a very different perspective.

                        I Guess, They are trying to protect the Employee’s here by doing so - based on the complaints which they have received in the recent past – On how the Employers are trying to cheat upon them after landing in the US. What ever they are doing is definitely good and is required, but they could have done that in a more systematic manner, rather than just leaving the applicants to Guesswork’s on what’s happening behind the scenes.

                        I usually don’t put down with anything unless and until I am fully convinced with it, let it be a small issue at work or a Life and death situation. What ever you said, or the grounds on which you are thinking is actually a very sensible thought and I shall and am considering it very seriously.

                        Hope I didn’t miss out anything this Time… Shall definitely keep all our Friends posted regarding any improvements there in.

                        Thank You,

                        Sreedevi Reddy


                        • #57
                          Re: Sreedevi

                          Hi Sreedevi,

                          Yeah... I also thought it might have well struck your mind too, to look at things in that angle. But I just wanted to be sure.

                          But let me tell you, after having read your previous post...I strongly feel, you do not have to do anything or think about anything.

                          You just wait patiently. You deserve to be in US, and you would get VISA.

                          (PS: If you do not get it, you can step on my grave)
                          Last edited by Madmox; 03-11-2007, 09:26 AM.


                          • #58
                            Hi all,

                            I appreciate everyone for wrintg such breath takin posts...its quite well drafted too.

                            Now i wanted to share a infon on how to deal with the consulate after they put the case in AAP..

                            I came out with ths notes fom my employer ....pls refer it below

                            1)Employer says DONOT write individual mails to Consualte , so that whn they try to appeal the USCIS ..they wud get a response frm Consualte/USCIS sayin we have replied the case on so n so date & hence the case is under AAP..The virtue of ths is employer goes weeek in appealing them...Also what ever the employer fights to resolve the case early...they wil need to wait till the stipulated time mentioned in the response mail..
                            2)The case is wiil become week and takes ages if USCIS responds the employer in ths way.

                            Hope this wil open new can of worms in ur mind.



                            • #59
                              Originally posted by khasim
                              "i mean to remove the first line (telugu) from the top of the page ".u have edit option right.remaining well,
                              nothing more ,bcz this page is read by all members of the site or world so y .i told to "take bac the words " wat u written in telugu ,nothing more.

                              Hi All,

                              LETS MOVE ON..

                              there are too many thgs to worry ..Lets keep all dialouges apart..

                              Its everyones way of seeing thgs....we are nt here to correct anyone or point out its wrong...

                              Better we can foucus on wat is needed for ths hour..

                              Hope am nt hurting anyone..my apologies if i did..

                              But lets stick to our imp discussion on the AAP's..

                              (I dont have an attitude problem, you have a perception problem)


                              • #60
                                Oohh My Goodness!!!!!!!

                                Originally posted by sreedeviReddy
                                Hey Rahul,

                                Plz don’t call me Sreedevi “Garu”, I Guess Sreedevi would do…
                                After the Process is over, the consulate would directly either call you, send you an Email and in Most cases Send you a Letter asking for your Passport for the Most Awaited “Stamping”. (This Happens if everything works out fine and Positive)

                                Secondly, If the Outcome is Negative, (If they are not satisfied about your Employers Reply or any other issue related to your employer, then they would simply Revoke your Petition and Intimate both You and Your Employer regarding the same stating your Case has been suspended due to the reasons Being “ blah.....blahhh…Blahhh…….”they will not return any of the Documents.

                                There is one thing very Important to Note, In Cases like these, If there is nothing wrong on the Applicants Side then there is no Black mark on your record (i.e) You can very well apply with a Different Employer in the next years Quota without any Hassles.

                                You need not book a new appointment atall, If it is Approved now, They will ask you to drop your Passport through VFS and also other documents
                                ( Incase Required ) and are returned to you by Courier Service I.e BlueDart

                                Hope your uncertainty is clarified…

                                Sreedevi Reddy

                                HEY HEY Guys really very surprised for posting my query on the 6th or 7th page ...oopsss reallyyy its awesome to see these many people having these many queries and being solved by SREEDEVI REDDY ,,..Great work,,.,i guess what the people who are sitting inthe consulate as well as in the call center doingg ?? we couild hardly get nothing frommm them ,,i hope i m not wrong and sorrryy this is not to hurt any one who r doing there jobsss..

                                Comming to my second experiance ,,, i received a mail from US Consulate asking for my passport to send through any VFS ..and I have done it ….Now .I m still waiting for the RESULT .i pray to GOD to be POSITIVE ,,,,

                                And meanwhile (recently) i received a packet from the chennai VFS through BLUEDART and which contains all my documents (except DS 156 DS 157,HDFC receipt)which they have taken at the time when i applied for my visa ....but a small problem is that i did not receive all the documents which they have taken and i could make it only when i opened the Packet..so i went back to the BLUEDART guys and said about the damaged packet i received ,,now the are asking about what documents i m still expecting ,,,,,

                                Now my question is that can anyone faced this situation?
                                2) IF so can anyone tell me what all the documents will i receive back from them(Chennai VFS) .
                                3) Will they be any cover letter from Chennai consul explaining why they are sending back all my documents when they send my documents ?
                                4) Will they send me the list of documents they are sending back to me along with the packet ……..?If NO
                                5) How can I trace out ,,the list of the documents they send me ……..

                                I hope i m clear with my question pls b freee to ask me if notttttt....eagerly waiting for ur replyyyyy??????






