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H1-B visa appointments unavilable for Chennai

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  • H1-B visa appointments unavilable for Chennai


    I have been trying hard for a visa appointment in Chennai for the month of October 2007. I only get the message "Interview dates not available. Please check back in 24 hours". I even tried to see if I can take an appointment in a different consular disctrict. But when you click on "Confirmation" I think it defaults to Chennai based on the address, because it does not show other consular districts. I am going to India to get married and need to come back to my job. Can anyone suggest if there is any other way to get appointments?

    The website does mention that English speaking applicants can take appointments in any other consular district, but the web application does not let you take one in other consular disctricts.

    All help/suggestions are appreciated.

    Thank you

  • #2
    if you are a returning H1/L1 then on the first page select An indian citizen resident in USA. That way you wil get better dates and choice of posts.


    • #3
      Hi there:

      Thank for your response. I am using "An Indian resident in the US". It does show me appointments in NewDelhi when I try to see an estimate of available appoinments.

      The problem here is after I complete the DS156 and click on "Confirmation", it does not show me interview dates in any other post and keeps popping up the message "Interview dates unavailable..." So since the address onthe DS156 has a South Indian address, it defaults to Chennai, and there is no option to book for New Delhi. Please let me know if I am missing something here or if there is any other way to choose Delhi when I finish the application and go to confirm appointment.


      • #4
        you can try getting an emergency appointment

        Are you selecting the same options when you are actually trying to book the appointment. as well as the language options.

        The system changes so often thses days and since I will need a recipt etc to actualy go through thw hole thing as far as you, I cannot help you there.

        My advice is keep trying at all hours of day and nite and you might be successful


        • #5
          Thank you for all your responses so far.

          The only way thatI know of taking the appointment is after you fill out the application, there is a "Confirmation" button which takes you to the calendar. There is no option of language etc. there. Is there another way round? Please let me know.


          • #6
            H1-B visa unavailable for chennai

            Yes i noticed the same problem as well.

            I'm going to india(chennai) for H1 stamping in december. I'm working in USA now. I was previously a masters student here. My passport has a F1 visa.

            So these are the options i chose when checking for available dates.

            Are you: An Indian citizen resident in US
            At which post would you like to be interviewed?: Chennai
            Select Language for Interview: English
            Purpose Of travel: Working in the USA
            Are you applying for same visa class that expired in the last 12 months: No

            Then i enter security code.

            Now when i press continue, I get the message "Interview dates not available. Please check back in 24 hours"

            Why is that ??? BUT THE FUNNY THING IS IF I ENTER THE SAME INFO AS ABOVE EXCEPT FOR THE LAST ONE (Are you applying for same visa class .....)

            I'm quite confused by this. Can someone help me out???


            • #7
              Appointments in Chennai unavaible


              I have been tracking your post, were you successful in getting appointment at US Consulate chennai? I get the same message no matter what.

              Appreciate your help,


              • #8
                H1-B visa appointments unavilable for chennai

                No i have not been able to book the date yet. i have emailed [email protected] which is their official help email about it. I am awaiting their reply.

                I strongly suggest everyone having this problem to email them. hopefully if enough people mail about it, they'll do something quickly.


                • #9
                  Hi all:

                  I was able to get an appointment on friday. I think they open dates on fridays. Try friday.

                  I have another question, in the appointment letter, it says my State of Residence is TamilNadu but I am actually from Bangalore. Any comments about this?


                  • #10
                    I am also trying for dates in Chennai and emailed them. I got back a reply saying we need to be checking the website and asked whether there is any other way of booking an appointment. They have said we have to just keep checking the site.
                    Note that this is not a legal advice. Consult your immigration attorney for the best upto-date information.


                    • #11
                      Hi all,

                      I was able to get an appointment on friday. I think they open dates on fridays. Try friday.

                      I have another question, in the appointment letter, it says my State of Residence is TamilNadu but I am actually from Bangalore. Any comments about this?[/QUOTE]


                      I think ur selected state of residense as Tamilnadu when u created ur application instead of Karnataka...

                      and also i am not sure whether it may be a problem

                      even i am also facing same problem and i booked a slot also

                      can you please share me the info if u find from any sources





