hello..I am new to the site..any idea about this..About obtaining H1B visa....
...I've read that in a certain website that ..If you(the applicant) live overseas,you will have to go to the US consulate of your home country and obtain the visa in your passport...I'm a bit confused..
Originally,I'm from the Philippines and having lived in the UK for 5 yrs I now hold a british passport.At present I'm residing with my family here in Australia.
Ifever I apply for H1b visa which country do i have to go to..to obtain the visa in my passport..is it in the Philippines or UK?
any help is higly appreciated..
...I've read that in a certain website that ..If you(the applicant) live overseas,you will have to go to the US consulate of your home country and obtain the visa in your passport...I'm a bit confused..
Originally,I'm from the Philippines and having lived in the UK for 5 yrs I now hold a british passport.At present I'm residing with my family here in Australia.
Ifever I apply for H1b visa which country do i have to go to..to obtain the visa in my passport..is it in the Philippines or UK?

any help is higly appreciated..
