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L1 Extension while having new H1

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  • L1 Extension while having new H1


    I came to US on L1 and last year I applied for H1B thru a consultancy. I got my H1B approval in Oct'07. Now I am eligible to work on H1B, but still I am continuing on L1 and working for the first company. And my L1 Visa is going to expire soon, so my company filed for L1 petition extension. So next time when I go to India I have to go for L1 stamping if I want to come back on L1 Visa again thru my first company. My question is if I go for L1 stamping, will it affect anyway to my new H1B (which I got in Oct'07) ?

    Please advice my how to proceed further, thanks for your help.

  • #2
    L1 and H1

    I came to US on L1 and last year I applied for H1B thru a consultancy. I got my H1B approval in Oct'07. Now I am eligible to work on H1B, but still I am continuing on L1 and working for the first company. And my L1 Visa is going to expire soon, so my company filed for L1 petition extension. So next time when I go to India I have to go for L1 stamping if I want to come back on L1 Visa again thru my first company. My question is if I go for L1 stamping, will it affect anyway to my new H1B (which I got in Oct'07) ?

    Please advice my how to proceed further, thanks for your help.

    ---- It does not affect your H1. But if you want to start working on H1, you have to get a H1 Visa stamped on Your Passport as you have left the country. The H1 petition alone does not entitle you to work.

    ---- If you want to get L1 Visa and work for the L1 company you should get a Visa stamped on your Passport.The same applies to H1



    • #3
      Thanks very much Mr.Subramanyam.

      So if I go back to India and come to US again on my L1, I was able to work on L1. But after some time if I want to change to H1 do I need to go for stamping again ? That's what you are saying ?

      Thanks for you response once again.


      • #4
        you can change your status to H1 by two ways, filing COS while in USA (it takes months) or by geeting a stamp abroad and entering with it.

        You might want to get both stamps in this trip... (two different appointments) so that you would not need to wait for stamping when you go need to. just leave the country and reeneter.


        • #5
          So we can have 2 visa's L1 and H1 simultaneously?





