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L1 and H1

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  • L1 and H1

    I am currently in India having L1 visa stamped and H1 approved for oct'2007.
    and I do not have H1 visa stamped on my passport.
    My question is, Can I come to USA on my L1 visa, thro' my company, and then change the status to H1, as I have the approved H1?

  • #2
    You can change but not directly on your own. USCIS has to be petitioned for a COS and once approved you can no longer work on L1 (from date of approval of H1b, no exceptions) and immediately shift to H1b employer.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      Thanks a lot txh1b.

      Some of friends told me that I could transfer only if applied for H1B when I am in USA. Your replied cleared my cunfusion.


      • #4
        You should have a l1 job to enter on L1 first though. You cannot just use the L1 visa to enter US and then file for a COS to H1b. I assumed that you know this fact.

        I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


        • #5
          Yes, I do know that. I will be travelling to USA thro' my current employer on L1 and then apply for COS.

          Thanks a Lot





