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Having valid H1B in India for last couple of months .

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  • Having valid H1B in India for last couple of months .

    Hi All,

    I am working for a Company A in India and Company A has its Parent Organization in US by name of 'Company A Inc USA'.

    I got a valid H1B Visa for my Parent Organization i.e 'Company A Inc USA' .I worked for them for 6 six months on client side in US .Now they do not have any assignments for me in US .So I am back to India and working for my Company A in India.They are going to send me back to US after 3-4 months .

    Please give me solution for my given below queries :

    1.They are paying me my Indian salary and I am on payrolls of Company A in India not on 'Company A Inc USA'.This thing will effect my Visa status or not ? Or I am eligble for US salary in India also .

    2.What documents I have to carry with me when travelling back to US after a gap of 4 months ?

    3.Will this thing will going to create a problem for me while reentering in US ?

    Waiting for replies and suggestions .Thanks all in Advance ...

  • #2
    1. Why should they pay you US salary while you are not in US? There is no such law that requires them to pay US salary.
    2. New project offer letter.
    3. Which thing? No for anything other than status violations in the past.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.





