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221(g) at Chennai Consulate - Is this the final Step???

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  • 221(g) at Chennai Consulate - Is this the final Step???

    Hello All,
    I am a new member.

    I went for H1-B stamping at the Chennai Consulate during my vacation. I was already working in the US on H1-B.
    VO said they need to know more about the nature of my work and handed over the pink 221 (g) slip.. Vo also returned my paapoprt and asked me to answer all Q's on the pink slip

    Interview date: 7th May, 2008.
    Submitted e-mail response vis e-mail on 13 th May
    Online status changed form "Pending process" to "send passport" on 18th June, 2008.
    Submitted passport to VFS on 19th June, 2008 morning..

    However VFS says they havent still recieved my passport back from the embassy

    My understanding is that the process is complete and my passport has gone for stamping.... Am I right??.. How much more wait would there be before I get back my passport

    Any replies on this will be helpful

  • #2
    It should come back soon with the visa. You have been patient for so long, just hang in there for a week or less.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.





