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H1 cancelled if on bench

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  • H1 cancelled if on bench

    I recently heard about new regulations that would cancel the H1 visa if you are one bench for a certain time.

    How far is it true.

    Please inform.

  • #2
    I don't think it is true. You for sure lose your status if you are on bench and not getting paid per the LCA/offer. This creates issue in future transfers and GC.
    Check out H1 FAQs first!


    • #3
      It is not a new regulation. It has been the rule since the inception of the H1b program.

      Benching without pay is illegal!!

      Employers are now **** in their pants due to recent ICE arrests and forcing H1b cancellations on their own. In the past, they used to have a string of hope to make some $$ anytime this sleeping (benching) employee gets a project. Looks like these people realized that it is not worth spending time in jail.

      I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


      • #4
        Originally posted by txh1b
        It is not a new regulation. It has been the rule since the inception of the H1b program.

        Benching without pay is illegal!!

        Employers are now **** in their pants due to recent ICE arrests and forcing H1b cancellations on their own. In the past, they used to have a string of hope to make some $$ anytime this sleeping (benching) employee gets a project. Looks like these people realized that it is not worth spending time in jail.
        hahaha well said! and truly...





