My H1-B visa on passport has expired on 14 March 2008 and I am staying in US with extended I-797. I have not stepped out of US in this period. I am planning to get my visa stamped in Jan 2010 and trying to book online appointment in VFS. I see the following criteria for H1-B visa renewal.
Visa renewal appointments are available to visa applicants who:
1. Have the same class of U.S. visa which is still valid or that has expired less than 12 months from the scheduled date of interview.
2. Wish to apply for the same visa class (e.g. had an H1 work visa, now applying again for an H1 work visa)
3. Are Indian nationals (hold Indian passports)
4. Are resident in the New Delhi , Chennai, or Mumbai consular districts (Applicants attending the interview at the U.S. Consulate, Kolkata do not have an option to select the option for visa renewal. They may opt for a regular interview).
I am concerned about the point 1 which says, that has expired less than 12 months from the scheduled date of interview.
My visa has expired more than 12 months before. Is this something I need to worry about? Please clarify.
My H1-B visa on passport has expired on 14 March 2008 and I am staying in US with extended I-797. I have not stepped out of US in this period. I am planning to get my visa stamped in Jan 2010 and trying to book online appointment in VFS. I see the following criteria for H1-B visa renewal.
Visa renewal appointments are available to visa applicants who:
1. Have the same class of U.S. visa which is still valid or that has expired less than 12 months from the scheduled date of interview.
2. Wish to apply for the same visa class (e.g. had an H1 work visa, now applying again for an H1 work visa)
3. Are Indian nationals (hold Indian passports)
4. Are resident in the New Delhi , Chennai, or Mumbai consular districts (Applicants attending the interview at the U.S. Consulate, Kolkata do not have an option to select the option for visa renewal. They may opt for a regular interview).
I am concerned about the point 1 which says, that has expired less than 12 months from the scheduled date of interview.
My visa has expired more than 12 months before. Is this something I need to worry about? Please clarify.