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L1B to H1B COS Petition in Process. Can a new H1B be filed?

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  • L1B to H1B COS Petition in Process. Can a new H1B be filed?


    I am currently on L1B. My current employer ABC has filed for L1B to H1B transfer COS. (Thus my H1B would become active from 1st Oct'2010). It has not been approved yet.

    I have following queries. Any help would be highly appreciated.


    1) Can a different employer XYZ file another L1B to H1B transfer with COS? If yes, assuming that both the transfers get approved, will I have the option of choosing one of them from 1st Oct'2010? If not which one will override the other?

    2) Assuming L1-H1B COS filed through ABC gets approved in August. Can XYZ file H1b transfer in August/Sept or do I have to wait till Oct ( and get 1-2 pay slips) before XYZ can file for a H1B transfer?


  • #2
    1) Can a different employer XYZ file another L1B to H1B transfer with COS?
    >>> Yes.

    Assuming that both the transfers get approved, will I have the option of choosing one of them from 1st Oct'2010?
    >>> Yes.

    2) Assuming L1-H1B COS filed through ABC gets approved in August. Can XYZ file H1b transfer in August/Sept or do I have to wait till Oct ( and get 1-2 pay slips) before XYZ can file for a H1B transfer?
    >>> XYZ can file the transfer in August. You cannot work until Oct 1st.
    Not a legal advice. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk.


    • #3

      Also there is a big gap between the H1B salary my current company ABC will be paying me and the H1B salary new employer XYZ would be paying me. (60%-70% more).

      Will this difference in salary be an issue?


      • #4
        NO. As long as company ABC is paying you as per the approved LCA, you are all good.
        Not a legal advice. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk.


        • #5
          Thanks Shervin. Appreciate your quick and clear responses.





