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Scheduling appointment using VFS site

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  • Scheduling appointment using VFS site

    Hey Friends,
    I filled in my DS-160 online and went on to the VFS site to schedule my appointment. On that page the HDFC Bank Receipt Number (Barcode No):* accepts only 10 characters but the bar code I got is B1234567890 which is 11 characters long. Silly question, but I wanted to confirm that the character 'B' at the beginning of the bar code shouldn't be entered.
    Also the VFS website states that it usually doesn't schedule appointments more than a month in advance. I am still 3 months away from my date of intended appointment. Will the website just not let me schedule an appointment?I know I can just enter the digits in the receipt number and see if it will let me schedule an appointment but didn't want to take the risk of entering the wrong info.

  • #2
    Hi OP,

    I haven;t scheduled the apppointment so far with the new VFS online system
    But I know if you have any doubt/issues/clarifications related to VFS website - you should call the VFS helpline number (for your region) and can clarify all your issues related to VFS website.

    Yes , its true that they open Appointments maximum 2-3 weeks in advance.
    So if you want to schedule an appointment after 3 months - those dates will not be open now , you have to wait for it.
    Also there is a provision in VFS website that you can just check what all dates are open now - without entering any of your personal information.

    Thanks and Regards,





