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H1 stamping dates

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  • H1 stamping dates


    I am new to this forum but needed valuable help in knowing if anyone here has manged to book visa appointment dates at Mumbai consulate for the month of December 2010 for H1-B stamping?

    I am not sure how early can you actually see the dates marked in green and book for December...is it 30 days in advance or 60 days?

    I am feeling worked up coz I don't see any green dates.

    Any responses would be appreciated.


  • #2
    Dates open only 2-3 weeks in advance. Keep checking in the month of November for dates in december.
    Not a legal advice. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk.


    • #3
      Thanks for your reply!

      Whenever anyone manages to book appointments at Mumbai for Dec, please post here if possible.



      • #4
        Were you able to get a date for mumbai consulate? I am looking for dates in Dec 2010 and it is only showing Chennai dates currently for Nov 3 2010?


        • #5
          I am in the same boat. I have been checking everyday for the last 3 weeks, but not seen a single day in Nov open for Mumbai.

          Also it no longer shows the calendar for Mumbai. So not sure what is going on at all.


          • #6
            No dates for November

            Same for New Delhi.
            I am looking for appointment slot late November.
            VFS site is only showing Chennai and Kolkatta consulates dates.
            Strange! Does this means dates for November are not available for Delhi, Mumbai and Hyderabad?
            please keep posting updates.


            • #7
              still no hope!

              Hello everyone,

              I started this topic for help..only to realize we r many in this soupy situation!

              I hv my tickets booked and stuff for end of nov but will not dare to step out of US without a confirmed appt!!

              Lets make sure we update here if any of us atleast SEE the Mumbai or Delhi calendar..leave alone specific dates

              I wrote to them...and someone just replies this insignificant disclaimer stuff...urghh! They should address the fact that the calendar is not visible.

              Also to confirm you guys just check for 'Earliest appointment date' at this link right?

              Plz update if any new info!

              Good luck to all!


              • #8
                Just checked a second ago, still the same result. Only Chennai and Kolkata show up. Not sure what is going on.

                I also sent them a couple of questions last week and got the same canned replies, nothing specific. Not even a confirmation of whether the dates are already booked.


                • #9
                  Mumbai Calendar is visible

                  I kept checking for appointments every hour last night (i was paranoid about them opening the slots suddenly and missing my preferred date). For a brief period of time the month of November at Mumbai opened up (Nov 8 to be specific). Possibly a cancellation, but it filled up within the next 2 hours. Now i'm wondering if i should just try Chennai or Calcutta since they seem to have more open slots. So yes, the calendar does work, i think its just that it is not open for december yet.


                  • #10
                    I hope it to be some tech glitch. It doesn't add up that Mumbai, new Delhi & Hyderabad .. All 3 consulates have no dates at all open for november.
                    The link you posted is the correct, I am also checking there.
                    When I checked it last week, dates were open till nov 19 week for new Delhi and Mumbai, along with other consulates. Come this Monday, everything is wiped out. Scary!


                    • #11
                      if it helps, ND consulate is open for 3rd week of November since morning.


                      • #12
                        I have been checking for last 2 days, but it is still not showing Mumbai calendar. Are all dates full? Have December dates opened yet? Any updates please let us know.



                        • #13
                          Appointment Calendar

                          Guys, there must be a glitch in the system, regarding the Calendar Display. I first checked the Earliest Available Appointment. There is a mismatch between the requested Interview Post and the Available Post. My initial thought is that this must be a system glitch as opposed to the availability of appointments, because no matter which consular post you pick the availability on the next screen shows a different consular post. So, I moved ahead with filling in the information to get the actual appointment, assuming that this glitch will fix itself in the last screen. After spending 30 - 40 minutes putting all the information for me and my wife, I landed at the final select the appointment date. I had selected Chennai as the Interview Post but Kolkata comes up as the consulate for my Interview Date. So I had to either take a chance and pick the date I wanted assuming it was a system error and eventually I will get the appointment in Chennai or abandon all the data. I decided not to take a chance and I cancelled and came out of the system.

                          So my question is has anybody actually entered the information in and seen if the final screen is different from the "Earliest Avaiable Appointment" screen and if so did anybody else contemplate taking a chance?

                          Given the fact that none of you have received any useful information from VFS, I am tempted to take a chance.


                          • #14
                            I'm in the same situation. Been checking the dates for Mumbai for the last couple of weeks. Yesterday night they were showing no dates at all, neither Mumbai nor Chennai was available. Now they are showing some availability for the fourth week on November in New Delhi! This is completely unreliable.


                            • #15
                              Worst problem is that you need a new DS-160 if you take a date at a consulate other than the one you entered while filling the DS-160 form. E.g. you filled Mumbai as the consulate in DS-160 but since there are no dates in Mumbai, if you want to take a date in Kolkata, you need to create a completely new DS-160 form. This I believe is crap and total bullsh*t.

                              This is exactly from the VFS website:
                              "On confirmation your interview will be scheduled at the Consular post as shown in the calendar below. Please ensure you have selected the same Consular Post while filling form DS-160. If you have selected another Consular Post in form DS-160, please modify the same and generate a new CEAC confirmation code before you proceed to schedule your interview"





