What is the procedure to convert from H1B to H4 while you are in US ?
Does your H1B get canceled once you are on H4 ?
How much time does it take to convert from H1B to H4 status ?
What documents are required to change status from H1B to H4 ?
Next time if i have to convert H4 back to H1B, do i have to wait till April 1st to apply and its counted towards the cap OR would it just be change of status ?
Does your H1B get canceled once you are on H4 ?
How much time does it take to convert from H1B to H4 status ?
What documents are required to change status from H1B to H4 ?
Next time if i have to convert H4 back to H1B, do i have to wait till April 1st to apply and its counted towards the cap OR would it just be change of status ?