Assuming my wife's name as Firstname Middlename Lastname, her certificates carry her name as Firstname M. Her passport has Given name as Firstname Middlename. Her Lastname is not used anywhere. Is this a problem while coming to United States? She has to come on H4. In almost all forms in US the last name is mandatory.
Won't it be a problem to have last name as blank?
Should I get her name changed in Passport?
Her passport was made in bangalore but now she lives in Bihar. Where should we apply the name change for?
How much time does it take to get the name changed on passport?
Assuming my wife's name as Firstname Middlename Lastname, her certificates carry her name as Firstname M. Her passport has Given name as Firstname Middlename. Her Lastname is not used anywhere. Is this a problem while coming to United States? She has to come on H4. In almost all forms in US the last name is mandatory.
Won't it be a problem to have last name as blank?
Should I get her name changed in Passport?
Her passport was made in bangalore but now she lives in Bihar. Where should we apply the name change for?
How much time does it take to get the name changed on passport?