I took the interview date for my wife on Apr 12 at Mumbai. I got the interview date on 23 rd June.
I would like to prepond the date in Mumbai. Please help me.
Please help me how to prepond the date ? What are the documents required to prepond the date ?
Is it possible to prepond the date based on the medical emergiencies ? What are the documents required to prepond the date based on the medical emergiencies ? Can she get earlier date of interview if I am facing any medical emergiency ? Can she get earlier date of interview if she is facing any medical emergiency ?
Please provide me contact info if it is possible ?
I would like to prepond the date in Mumbai. Please help me.
Please help me how to prepond the date ? What are the documents required to prepond the date ?
Is it possible to prepond the date based on the medical emergiencies ? What are the documents required to prepond the date based on the medical emergiencies ? Can she get earlier date of interview if I am facing any medical emergiency ? Can she get earlier date of interview if she is facing any medical emergiency ?
Please provide me contact info if it is possible ?