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interesting situtaion: H1-B extension approved - extension petition with ex-employer

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  • interesting situtaion: H1-B extension approved - extension petition with ex-employer

    Hi All,

    I have to fly to US and have a valid H1 visa, but still stuck. Can some one advice what to do..?

    My Situation:

    While with previous employer, i had applied for h1-b extension. After applying, I came back to India, still with the same employer. I got a notification that my h1-b xtn has been approved by INS. Few days after I got this notification, I quit this company. Now I want to get the extension documents from my ex-employer. My request to ex-employer for the documents has been denied. Can some one advice what options I have?
    Also, if some can tell me answers for below questions, I will be happy!

    1) Is my ex-employer legally bound to give the extension papers to me?

    2) Is my ex-employer legally bound to let me have the information on my extension papers, which i might need while applying for a new H1-B? (will have to fill all the VISA history, and i may need info about my extension).

    3) If I want to get a duplicate copy of my approved extension paper from INS, how can I do that. I may need some reference number, while applying for a duplicate copy. What are these reference info i will need to get a duplicate copy form INS? Is my ex-employer legally bound to pass this info to me?

    please help!

  • #2

    Can some one help me on this. Please let me know in case further info is required.






