Hi guys ... My first post here so please be gentle 
Well I'm looking to work in the US, so I'm in need of a H1B Visa ...
I'm a previous Fulbright Scholar, and did my Masters from Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA, via this Fulbright Scholarship, between 2009 and 2011 .. During this time bracket, I was on J-1 visa, because of which I could not work in the US ... I'm now back in my home country (Pakistan), and want to go back to the US and work there .. Currently I'm working as a Senior Software Developer in a top IT firm .. My targeted industry is Software Development ..
I also have experience in living in the UK for about 4.5 years (between 1995 ~ 2000) .. I also currently hold a B1/B2 US Visa, which is valid for another 5 years (approx.) ...
I now have some questions regarding H1B:
1) Given my academic background, how hard will it be for me to find a sponsor in the US ?
2) What is the difference between the 65,000 and 20,000 General and Advanced H1B application caps ? .. From what I understand, 20k is additional room for people who did Masters from the US, and this 20,000 cap starts after the 65,000 cap has been reached ?
3) I also understand that April 2nd is when the date opens for H1B applications, but these applications can be applied for 6 months in advance ?
4) What is the full approximate fee for the entire H1B application process ? And would be sponsor company be paying all of this ?
Thanks in advance for your help guys

Well I'm looking to work in the US, so I'm in need of a H1B Visa ...
I'm a previous Fulbright Scholar, and did my Masters from Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA, via this Fulbright Scholarship, between 2009 and 2011 .. During this time bracket, I was on J-1 visa, because of which I could not work in the US ... I'm now back in my home country (Pakistan), and want to go back to the US and work there .. Currently I'm working as a Senior Software Developer in a top IT firm .. My targeted industry is Software Development ..
I also have experience in living in the UK for about 4.5 years (between 1995 ~ 2000) .. I also currently hold a B1/B2 US Visa, which is valid for another 5 years (approx.) ...
I now have some questions regarding H1B:
1) Given my academic background, how hard will it be for me to find a sponsor in the US ?
2) What is the difference between the 65,000 and 20,000 General and Advanced H1B application caps ? .. From what I understand, 20k is additional room for people who did Masters from the US, and this 20,000 cap starts after the 65,000 cap has been reached ?
3) I also understand that April 2nd is when the date opens for H1B applications, but these applications can be applied for 6 months in advance ?
4) What is the full approximate fee for the entire H1B application process ? And would be sponsor company be paying all of this ?
Thanks in advance for your help guys
