Applied PERM in the 6th year of H1B (< 365 days).
Priority Date: Jan 17 2012
Visa expiry date: July 10 2012 (after recapture)...
Status of PERM is still pending. Did not receive any audit so far...
Wife in H4, 33 weeks pregnant and not in a position to travel back to India.
Noticed that I-129 petition for recapture had wrong VISA expiry date -- can anything be done about it? Eligible for 10 extra days. How can this be filed?
Is it possible to get extension of stay ( for pregnant women) -- on medical grounds / compassionate reasons?
Is it possible to get a Change of Status to B2? -- we only have abt 20 days left before expiry... Can a COS be applied at this stage?
Is it better to apply for Change of status or continue with expired H1B visa to avoid the risk of COS being rejected and removal process initiated?
Can overstay of less than 180 days be considered for 3 year ban?
Will overstay affect future entry into US again?
Can we send a mail to USCIS or use infopass -- to enquire whether there is any other option to resolve current situation?
Need urgent advice...
Priority Date: Jan 17 2012
Visa expiry date: July 10 2012 (after recapture)...
Status of PERM is still pending. Did not receive any audit so far...
Wife in H4, 33 weeks pregnant and not in a position to travel back to India.
Noticed that I-129 petition for recapture had wrong VISA expiry date -- can anything be done about it? Eligible for 10 extra days. How can this be filed?
Is it possible to get extension of stay ( for pregnant women) -- on medical grounds / compassionate reasons?
Is it possible to get a Change of Status to B2? -- we only have abt 20 days left before expiry... Can a COS be applied at this stage?
Is it better to apply for Change of status or continue with expired H1B visa to avoid the risk of COS being rejected and removal process initiated?
Can overstay of less than 180 days be considered for 3 year ban?
Will overstay affect future entry into US again?
Can we send a mail to USCIS or use infopass -- to enquire whether there is any other option to resolve current situation?
Need urgent advice...