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US Working Visa and prior Arrests

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  • US Working Visa and prior Arrests

    Was hoping anyone could shed some light on a worrying matter for me.

    I am currently in employment negotiation with a company in the USA and it's getting close to an offer, which would mean i will need to go through a visa application at the consulate.

    I am concerned though that a previous arrest without any conviction in the USA will affect my visa application and may result in me losing the job before it even started.

    This January I was in New York taking a 3 month study program. During this time, I made a stupid mistake and was arrested and charged with a Class A Misdemeanour - 240.50 - Falsely reporting an incident to police. I was not held and was given a Desk Appearance Ticket and appeared in court a month later. No conviction was given and the judge downgraded the charge to a standard violation and a fine was paid. No criminal record or history was given to me on this violation. The appointed attorney and even the officer I paid the fine too said this was no different to being given a speeding ticket in the USA. Apart from the fact I was arrested, fingerprinted, photographed and made to appear in court.

    This was my first ever arrest anywhere and i deeply regret my actions. Now that it looks like I have been successful in the application for work in the USA, I am very concerned this will have a negative impact on any visa application such as the H1B or the E3 and I was hoping I could get some advice or guidance from anyone here as to what I should expect from this and also if I should even be concerned.

    Will this arrest that resulted in no conviction mean that I won't be given a working visa?

    Any information you could give me would go along way to putting my mind at rest. I really hope this extremely unfortunate and stupid error of judgement on my behalf won't ruin what could be the chance of a lifetime and the dream job.

    Thanks guys, any advice you could offer would be extremely appreciated.




