Clouding of the lens that restricts the way in which light rays are transmitted to the retina can be classified as cataract. It is most commonly associated with the aging process but can be present at birth or result from trauma to the eye.
Cataracts also occur in young people, but are much less common. For example, the lens may be injured by some foreign object, which may lead to the formation of a cataract.
Cataracts generally have little or no effect on vision in their early stages. As they develop, they can lead to vision problems and, eventually, complete blindness.
This can be rectified with a cataract surgery where a small incision is made into the eye.
There are two types of cataract surgeries, extra-capsular cataract surgery and intra-capsular cataract surgery. Extra-capsular cataract surgery consists of removing the lens but leaving the majority of the lens capsule intact. Intra-capsular involves removing the entire lens, including the lens capsule. In both these cataract surgeries, the affected lens is removed and replaced with a plastic lens that remains in the eye.
Cataract surgery is considered one of the safest and a number of people have undergone this surgery without any hesitation, problems or complaints.
Cataracts also occur in young people, but are much less common. For example, the lens may be injured by some foreign object, which may lead to the formation of a cataract.
Cataracts generally have little or no effect on vision in their early stages. As they develop, they can lead to vision problems and, eventually, complete blindness.
This can be rectified with a cataract surgery where a small incision is made into the eye.
There are two types of cataract surgeries, extra-capsular cataract surgery and intra-capsular cataract surgery. Extra-capsular cataract surgery consists of removing the lens but leaving the majority of the lens capsule intact. Intra-capsular involves removing the entire lens, including the lens capsule. In both these cataract surgeries, the affected lens is removed and replaced with a plastic lens that remains in the eye.
Cataract surgery is considered one of the safest and a number of people have undergone this surgery without any hesitation, problems or complaints.