1. My name is listed as follows in my passport (India) in a single line: "Red Fox Lion" (for example)
There is no specific surname/familyname, first/given-name, middle name etc., listed separately in the passport, as commonly followed here. Following the normal convention, this gets taken as (when the passport is presented for identification to local authorities (DMV) etc.), to represent a last/family name: Lion; First/given name: Red; and Middle Name/Initial: Fox/F
2. All my INS documents (applications, notices, documents, etc.), have my name listed as follows:
Last/family name: Lion
First/Given name: Fox
Middle name/initial: Red/R
Also, all other US documentation, bank, school records, etc., follow this format.
3. Using the name as listed in the passport, the US embassy had listed the surname as: "Fox Lion", and Given name as: Red. This is even though the INS documents, my application form and other documents clearly spelled out the last name to be: Lion; First name to be: Fox: and Middle name/initial to be: Red/R.
Considering 1 and 2, it makes it appear that the first and middle names are switched. Add in 3 for some more variation.
Is this going to pose any problem?. Will this be a problem when INS documents and passport are presented and reviewed together? (like, when going to INS offices etc. for any processing that will require and involve the passport). Any suggestions, help and advise?. Infact, Red is my father's name and I do not want to use and represent that as my first name. I want to have a consistent listing with last name: Lion; First name: Fox, and Middle name/initial: Red/R.
What and how can I get my names listed to reflect the following in the passport, which I hope would clearly and correctly identify the surname/family name, first name etc., and avoid any confusion.
last/family/surname: Lion
First/Given name: Fox
Middle name/initials: Red/R
Thanks for your help and advise..
There is no specific surname/familyname, first/given-name, middle name etc., listed separately in the passport, as commonly followed here. Following the normal convention, this gets taken as (when the passport is presented for identification to local authorities (DMV) etc.), to represent a last/family name: Lion; First/given name: Red; and Middle Name/Initial: Fox/F
2. All my INS documents (applications, notices, documents, etc.), have my name listed as follows:
Last/family name: Lion
First/Given name: Fox
Middle name/initial: Red/R
Also, all other US documentation, bank, school records, etc., follow this format.
3. Using the name as listed in the passport, the US embassy had listed the surname as: "Fox Lion", and Given name as: Red. This is even though the INS documents, my application form and other documents clearly spelled out the last name to be: Lion; First name to be: Fox: and Middle name/initial to be: Red/R.
Considering 1 and 2, it makes it appear that the first and middle names are switched. Add in 3 for some more variation.
Is this going to pose any problem?. Will this be a problem when INS documents and passport are presented and reviewed together? (like, when going to INS offices etc. for any processing that will require and involve the passport). Any suggestions, help and advise?. Infact, Red is my father's name and I do not want to use and represent that as my first name. I want to have a consistent listing with last name: Lion; First name: Fox, and Middle name/initial: Red/R.
What and how can I get my names listed to reflect the following in the passport, which I hope would clearly and correctly identify the surname/family name, first name etc., and avoid any confusion.
last/family/surname: Lion
First/Given name: Fox
Middle name/initials: Red/R
Thanks for your help and advise..