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Last name issue for US born baby to Indian citizens

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  • Last name issue for US born baby to Indian citizens

    Hi everyone,
    Currently me and my husband are staying in US since 4 years in H1 visas. I am 8 months pregnant, now the issue that is bothering is naming our child. I am from Andhra and I kept my maiden name as my last name even after marriage. My husband parents are also from Andhra, but my husband was born and raised in chennai at his Aunts place in chennai. In his school certificates and passport his fathers name is his last name (according to Tamil Nadu). Now our problem is we r planning to go back to India in 6 months. How do we give our child last name. I am thinking of giving my husbands first name as childs last name. Is this correct? If I give my babys grandfathers (husband Father) surname then It would be odd becoz neither me nor my husband has that name. I am confused.
    We really appreciate any suggestions.

    Thank you

  • #2
    In the areas that retain husband's first name as wife's married last name, they go with the same approach for the children.

    No one gives the grand father's first name as childs last name as a matter of principle.

    However, in the US, you can choose whatever as the last/first name for the child. In fact, if you wish to, you can name the child with the "actual" last name of your husband leaving behind the carry over of first name business (the one he inherited from his stay in the state of TN).

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      How about naming the baby John Smith?
      Disclaimer: The information you obtain from me at this forum is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.





