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Naturalized Cintizenship

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  • Naturalized Cintizenship

    My father has been a permanent resident for 21 years. He now wants to become a Naturalized citizen but his green card has his birth year wrong and has never tried to fix it. Can he file form N-400 and get it fixed later or does he have to file form I-90 to fix it before he files N-400? Will he have any issues getting a replacement card and/or becoming a naturalized citizen because he waited so long to fix this error?

    -We also have another issue, he didn't register with the Selective Service System when he turned 18 because he didn't know he had to. He came to the US illegally at age 17, got his license or ID and lived in the US until age 20 or 21 and then went back to Mexico. He came back at age 27 and got his green card at age 30. -What will he have to do in this case when filing form N-400? Does he need to hire a lawyer for any of these two issues?
    Last edited by pgo; 03-25-2012, 02:06 PM.

  • #2
    some one please give me some advise!!!!





