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Filing Status to be used

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  • Filing Status to be used


    I am married and my wife is on H4 visa. She has ITIN as well. What should be the filing status for me? Married Filing jointly or Married filing seperately?

    Can I claim wife as a dependant?

    Since begining of the year 2006, I am getting exemption 2(myself, spouse). While filing 2006 returns, I see some refund which I feel is wrong.. or may be I am using a wrong filing status

    Please help

  • #2
    You have options of filiing either Married Joint or Married Separately.
    But as your wife is on H4, she is not working. So most likely it will be better you go for married joint.

    No you can claim your wife as dependent.

    Exemptions and Tax withhold is decided by form W-4 which you mayhave filled up at start of employment or that this year. When your spouse is not working you can take exemption for spouse. So this is right case for you.

    If you are getting refund of less than $300 to $500 or you owe to IRS by same range, then you should not worry. This typically is never exatly $0 as it dpepends upon income (wages, interest, gain/loss), tax credit, deductions.
    Only for educational & informational purpose, not legal advice!





