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L1 -B - Blanket

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  • L1 -B - Blanket

    I am holding L1 (B) blanket visa valid till 23 Apr 2013 which was stamped on Apr 2010 after that I went US in month of July 2010 and came back in sep 2010 after that I never visited US . Now my project requirement is to go US again

    So I have couple of question listed below, if anybody can help me on this I can plan my visit accordingly

    1) As my Visa is going to expire on 23 apr 2013 so if i want to extend form US is there any time frame I need to reach US if I not reach in that time frame I can not extend visa.
    2) I can apply visa renewal from US or not?
    3) What is the minimum processing time if apply for extension form US?
    4) For stamping I need to come back India or it can be done in US?
    5) I don’t remember I-94 card date becoz i already submitted at the time of departure from US in sep 2010 .
    6) is there any way to check I -94 date online ?
    7) is it possible to apply L1 b individual rather than L 1 (B) blanket
    8 if I go for extension of my I-94 status than how much time it takes generally
    9) can we go visa extension and I -94 status extension simultaneously

  • #2
    You can travel as long as your visa is not expired. When you land in US, you will get I94. You need to check the expiry date on the I94 and should apply for the extension of stay, within 6 months to that expiry date. You do not need a visa stamp as long as you stay in US, unexpired I94 is enough. But, if you leave US, to return you need to get the visa stamped.


    • #3
      L1 _ B _ Blanket

      Originally posted by binoca82 View Post
      You can travel as long as your visa is not expired. When you land in US, you will get I94. You need to check the expiry date on the I94 and should apply for the extension of stay, within 6 months to that expiry date. You do not need a visa stamp as long as you stay in US, unexpired I94 is enough. But, if you leave US, to return you need to get the visa stamped.

      Thanks for response . two more quetsion

      is it possible I -94 date will same as Visa expiry date ? if this happen then according to you i will not get 6 month window for to apply for extension of stayeventually i need to come back by 23 Apr 2013?

      is there any chance that I -94 will get rejected ?





