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Clarification on L-1A org structure (Can a L-1B reporting to me have subordinates?)

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  • Clarification on L-1A org structure (Can a L-1B reporting to me have subordinates?)

    Hi fellow Immian's

    I have my L-1A visa interview coming up. My documents / org structure were all verified by my company travel dept. I have shown 5 direct reports and 11 indirect reports in the org chart. Now while I was discussing this with another friend, he told that in the Org structure that out of the 5 direct reports I have shown, 4 are on L-1B - Can this be a problem?

    The functional title for them is Project Lead and the visa type is L-1B. Is there any rule that L-1Bs cannot have any one reporting to them at onsite? These guys have been there for a long time and I will be going for a program manager position.

    Can someone clarify this asap.


  • #2
    There are no issues with having L1B reportees. As you are on L1A, you are deputed by your parent organization to US and you are very well within your purpose in the role of a program manager and have reportees with any appropriate work status. There are also no rules retricting L1B having reportees. I have quite a few L1B and H1B folks in my team with many reportees under them.


    • #3
      Thanks @ appuchan. I will let you all know how the interview went.





