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  • 194

    Jut realised my 194 was recorded on the Dhs website in error. If I stay pass the date on the website will I be penalised? How can I correct it am how long does it take to be corrected

  • #2
    You need to provide more information. What is your visa type? What do you think is wrong with the I-94?

    --Ray B

    Originally posted by point View Post
    Jut realised my 194 was recorded on the Dhs website in error. If I stay pass the date on the website will I be penalised? How can I correct it am how long does it take to be corrected


    • #3

      Visa type is L2 and my 194 has the date my l2 expire on the paper copy. The one on the wed site has it expiring in March of this year, this was a clerical error


      • #4
        Your information is still not clear. I-94s are no longer given as hard copy paper document upon entry into US.

        What was the I-94 date given as per the website ? When is your L2 visa expiring as per the visa copy in the passport. When is your passport expiring? When is the L1 Visa expiring? When is the L1 I797 expiring?

        And what makes you think that it is a a clerical error?

        This is my opinion not legal advice.


        • #5
          What is the data of expiration on your paper copy?

          --Ray B

          Originally posted by point View Post
          Visa type is L2 and my 194 has the date my l2 expire on the paper copy. The one on the wed site has it expiring in March of this year, this was a clerical error


          • #6

            The paper copy I have expire May 14 and the website has it expiring Mar 14. I am schedule to travel in May out of the county for renewal of L2


            • #7
              I would suggest to go to the nearest CBP Post and get it clarified/corrected. If they dotn then you would have to leave by March Date.

              This is my opinion not legal advice.


              • #8

                Got it correct! Thank you





