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L1A Blanket rejected twice

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  • L1A Blanket rejected twice

    Dear Senior Members,

    I had a L1A (Blanket) rejection 2 years ago. This is due to less number of reportees in Onsite. Over these period my team size had grown significantly and I have been handling 4 large Customers (Both Offshore & Onsite)
    My Company wanted to apply L1A (Blanket) again. This time the interview went well and the VO was satisfied with my answers. While the VO was checking my records, he had the question on my last time rejection. This is mentioned in my application as well

    However, He had mentioned that your company shouldn't apply for L1A Blanket with the same Petition number twice for the same person. He mentioned that this should have been fine if a different petition number was used

    My Questions are,
    1. Is there a policy that same L1A Blanket petition number shouldn't be used more than once (In case of first time rejection)
    2. What should I need to do next

    Thanks in advance for your help

  • #2
    Originally posted by Mgrcni View Post
    Dear Senior Members,

    I had a L1A (Blanket) rejection 2 years ago. This is due to less number of reportees in Onsite. Over these period my team size had grown significantly and I have been handling 4 large Customers (Both Offshore & Onsite)
    My Company wanted to apply L1A (Blanket) again. This time the interview went well and the VO was satisfied with my answers. While the VO was checking my records, he had the question on my last time rejection. This is mentioned in my application as well

    However, He had mentioned that your company shouldn't apply for L1A Blanket with the same Petition number twice for the same person. He mentioned that this should have been fine if a different petition number was used

    My Questions are,
    1. Is there a policy that same L1A Blanket petition number shouldn't be used more than once (In case of first time rejection)
    2. What should I need to do next

    Thanks in advance for your help
    1. I dont think so.
    2. Apply L1A individual or H1B.

    This is my opinion not legal advice.





