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L1B - extension - stamping outside USA

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  • L1B - extension - stamping outside USA

    Initially i was on L1B visa which was valid till Jan-2013.
    However for same project,client and employer i got intra company transfer to UK from Jan-2013 itself.
    Before leaving USA i had applied for L1-B visa extension, for which i got approval in Mar-2013.. L1B visa got extended till Jan-2015

    Still I am in UK with same employer, also i have the L1B approval notice. If I decide to go back to USA now, I am thinking of getting my L1B stamped here in London.

    Couple of queries
    - Is there any risk while making entry in USA, if i get this extension stamped now.
    - if i get visa stamped and come back to USA, will my visa expire on Jan-2015 or I will get additional days for the period which i was outside USA.

    - If there is any risk with en trying with my existing visa, can i initiate new L1B visa now or i will have to wait till my current extension expires on Jan-2015.

    I hope i explained my current status and queries clearly. Still if need more details to answer the queries pls let me know.

  • #2
    Any inputs on this would be helpul





