Unable to find an answer to this anywhere, so thought to post here
I'm trying to find out if doing some paid work outside of my US hours is in theory allowable. the work would be done via email so I'd still be based in the US physically but I would be paid in my own country. I realize from a US tax perspective that I would need to declare this and that would be no problem, but I wanted to check purely from a L1B visa perspective if this is allowable?
Thanks for any advice and clarification people can offer
I'm trying to find out if doing some paid work outside of my US hours is in theory allowable. the work would be done via email so I'd still be based in the US physically but I would be paid in my own country. I realize from a US tax perspective that I would need to declare this and that would be no problem, but I wanted to check purely from a L1B visa perspective if this is allowable?
Thanks for any advice and clarification people can offer