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L1A to GC - Can I self-fund instead of employer?

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  • L1A to GC - Can I self-fund instead of employer?

    I've searched all over the forum as I thought this question would have already been asked loads, but I can't see anything, so here goes. (Please point me in the right direction if I've missed it).

    I moved to NY approx 6 months ago on a L1-A visa and I'm very keen to start the application for a green card for several different reasons, but primarily because my husband is on an L2 and struggling to find appropriate work so wants to start his own business and needs to get a bank loan to do so, which would be easier with permanent residency.

    So anyway, the question is, can I fund the GC myself, because my employer has no reason whatsoever to pay for it, given that my L1 is valid for another 2.5 years and it doesn't make any difference to them if I have a GC or not. I think its going to be a very hard sell to get them to pay, so I wanted to know if I have any other options to apply or at least pay for it myself?

    From the info I've seen on the uscis website it doesn't seem like it, but just wondering if anyone knows anything I don't or if there are any other ways I can apply for a GC?

  • #2
    Originally posted by QueensGirl View Post
    I've searched all over the forum as I thought this question would have already been asked loads, but I can't see anything, so here goes. (Please point me in the right direction if I've missed it).

    I moved to NY approx 6 months ago on a L1-A visa and I'm very keen to start the application for a green card for several different reasons, but primarily because my husband is on an L2 and struggling to find appropriate work so wants to start his own business and needs to get a bank loan to do so, which would be easier with permanent residency.

    So anyway, the question is, can I fund the GC myself, because my employer has no reason whatsoever to pay for it, given that my L1 is valid for another 2.5 years and it doesn't make any difference to them if I have a GC or not. I think its going to be a very hard sell to get them to pay, so I wanted to know if I have any other options to apply or at least pay for it myself?

    From the info I've seen on the uscis website it doesn't seem like it, but just wondering if anyone knows anything I don't or if there are any other ways I can apply for a GC?
    You would need the employer to sponsor it.

    This is my opinion not legal advice.





