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L visa extension fees

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  • L visa extension fees


    I am about to start on the process of extending my L1-A visa. Trying to work out what fees I need to pay and came across this confusing line:

    Exceptions to Paying the Fraud Prevention and Detection and the Pub. L. 111-230 Fee for L-1A or L-1B Petitions: If you are filing a petition for a beneficiary to change status from L-1A to L-1B or from L-1B to L-1A, then you are not required to pay this fee. The fee is only required for an employer seeking “an initial grant” of L-1 status for a particular beneficiary.

    As this is an extension, it is not an 'initial grant', yet neither is it a change status from L-1A to L1-B - it's simply a straightforward extension. Do I have to pay this fee?

    Help much appreciated!




