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Green Card process through future employer

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  • Green Card process through future employer


    Currently, I am working as project manager for company A, through L1A visa. My current employer doesn't sponsor Green card. Is it possible that company B can sponsor Green card as future employer for me.

    Please let me know.

  • #2
    Originally posted by mfsrini View Post

    Currently, I am working as project manager for company A, through L1A visa. My current employer doesn't sponsor Green card. Is it possible that company B can sponsor Green card as future employer for me.

    Please let me know.
    They certainly can. But the wait time for EB2/EB3 is 6+ Years(for India born) in order to get a GC so you have to plan as to how you plan to stay and work in US till the time you get your GC once your L1A expires.

    This is my opinion not legal advice.


    • #3

      I am in a similar position and wanted some clarity on this as well. How can a future empoyer file for a GC for me, since if I resign then I would need to go back to home country and wait for a year before an L1 can be filed by the new company. Please advise.



      • #4
        Originally posted by lamans99 View Post

        I am in a similar position and wanted some clarity on this as well. How can a future empoyer file for a GC for me, since if I resign then I would need to go back to home country and wait for a year before an L1 can be filed by the new company. Please advise.

        The question is can the employer file, and the answer is yes. Now, how useful is it to employer to file so early for you when you cannot work for them is an entirely different matter.Merely having a GC pending with an employer doesnt entitle you to work for them, you still need a valid visa and status which allows you to work for them while you await the GC.

        GC is for future permanent employment in US. So any eligible employer can file the same for an eligible employee for an eligible position. You cannot work for the next employer merely with a GC pending request, you would either need to move to H1 visa or wait till you get GC.

        The biggest catch is why should and would you resign till you can work for the next employer, and why would the employer file GC for you if you cannot work for them immediately, and they have no idea as to when you would be able to work for them. You only have to find such an employer who is willing to invest on and wait for you.

        This is my opinion not legal advice.





