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What is purpose of collecting Anti Fraud detection fee (500$) ?

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  • What is purpose of collecting Anti Fraud detection fee (500$) ?


    I just had a one question on L1-B Blanket Anti Fraud detection fee 500$?

    I knew all about fee.

    I didn't able to get clarity that what is motivation of collecting this 500$ fee only for L-Blanket visa application?

    What is action taken care by USCIS as a part of collecting this fee ?

    As name suggest, it seems to identify any fraud? Here what they are verifying either employer or applicant verification?

    Detailed answer will be appreciated.

  • #2
    Originally posted by ketanprajapati88 View Post

    I just had a one question on L1-B Blanket Anti Fraud detection fee 500$?

    I knew all about fee.

    I didn't able to get clarity that what is motivation of collecting this 500$ fee only for L-Blanket visa application?

    What is action taken care by USCIS as a part of collecting this fee ?

    As name suggest, it seems to identify any fraud? Here what they are verifying either employer or applicant verification?

    Detailed answer will be appreciated.
    Someone please reply with helpful answer.


    • #3
      It goes towards all anti-fraud measures that they take. For you or your employer, it's just another mandatory fee. Think of it as the total cost of getting an L1B Visa and don't worry about the breakdown.
      This is my opinion and not legal advice.


      • #4
        Originally posted by kabkaba View Post
        It goes towards all anti-fraud measures that they take. For you or your employer, it's just another mandatory fee. Think of it as the total cost of getting an L1B Visa and don't worry about the breakdown.

        Appreciated your response.

        I understood that for me, it is one another fee.

        But, what I wanted to understand is,

        My L1-B visa is granted now

        1. Is there any kind of my background verification will be done by USICS now as my visa is granted ?

        2. Will they informed me to submit any kind of documents if they are doing any kind of post verification?

        3. Are they doing any kind of background verification (previous employment or police records or any) by their security agency of which even I will not be aware?

        Kindly please revert with your answer.

        I do have couple of more questions, can you send "Hi Mail" to my email id [email protected] and then we can discuss it on that.


        • #5
          Fraud prevention occurs in the background, you need not be concerned with it. The fee is not used specifically for your case, but for overall fraud prevention measures that they are taking. They don't disclose what they are doing.

          Don't post your email on a public forum, anybody can see it.
          This is my opinion and not legal advice.


          • #6
            Originally posted by kabkaba View Post
            Fraud prevention occurs in the background, you need not be concerned with it. The fee is not used specifically for your case, but for overall fraud prevention measures that they are taking. They don't disclose what they are doing.

            Don't post your email on a public forum, anybody can see it.
            Thanks dear, I understood that part.

            Are their team doing any kind of police verification in that process?

            As this is not immigration Visa, I just have doubt are they doing police verification? And which address they will verify?


            • #7
              USCIS does do random site visits. Officers will come and check whether you really work at the location mentioned, in the position mentioned and get paid according to LCA etc. We of course don't know what else they check.
              This is my opinion and not legal advice.


              • #8
                Originally posted by kabkaba View Post
                USCIS does do random site visits. Officers will come and check whether you really work at the location mentioned, in the position mentioned and get paid according to LCA etc. We of course don't know what else they check.
                Thanks friend,

                Appreciating your prompt response.

                Is there any site or information where can I find information on all checks made as a part of anti frud detection?

                I am just asking so that I can prepare my self with necessity docs and other docs.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ketanprajapati88 View Post
                  Thanks friend,

                  Appreciating your prompt response.

                  Is there any site or information where can I find information on all checks made as a part of anti frud detection?

                  I am just asking so that I can prepare my self with necessity docs and other docs.
                  What part of 'They don't disclose what they are doing' and 'We of course don't know what else they check' do you not understand?
                  What part of 'you need not be concerned with it' do you not understand?
                  This is my opinion and not legal advice.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kabkaba View Post
                    What part of 'They don't disclose what they are doing' and 'We of course don't know what else they check' do you not understand?
                    What part of 'you need not be concerned with it' do you not understand?
                    Yes..I of course understood it. I do not need to be concern for this at all.

                    Just for my nformation purpose only, It will be great help if I can get official check list which is made by USICS or Anti Frud Unit.

                    But thanks a lot for your help, at this point, I am satisfied with your answer and I can close this thread.


                    • #11
                      Why would they publish such a list? To allow fraudsters to circumvent their checks? Any kind of fraud detection has to be by definition, a secret.
                      This is my opinion and not legal advice.





