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L1-B Visa is valid for 3 years but I-129s valid for 2 year

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  • L1-B Visa is valid for 3 years but I-129s valid for 2 year


    My L1B (Blanket) visa was approved on 04th Mar 2015 for 3 years till 04th March 2018. But gave validity of I-129S of 2 years till 04th March 2017.

    Now I applied for my visa extension through USICS. The extension was approved and I got new I-797 valid from 05th Jan 2017 to 04th Jan 2019 with case type as I129 petition for a nonimmigrant worker.

    Now I am traveling to India for my marriage in December 2016, I had a few questions

    1) Should I get a apply for new visa stamp for new petition (extended visa) or can I enter US with my old Visa stamp and new I-797? Because my old visa L1-B blanket is valid till Jan 05th 2018 and new I-797 petition is valid from Jan 05th 2017 to Jan 04th 2019.

    2) For my wife apply for L2-individual visa with my new petition number?

    Thanks in advance!





