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L1B to L1A

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  • L1B to L1A

    Please confirm if L1B can be converted to L1A directly from my employer.
    If yes what is the process/time/issues/chances for getting thru.
    I have served only 2 years on L1B here in US.

  • #2
    Originally posted by samattar View Post
    Please confirm if L1B can be converted to L1A directly from my employer.
    If yes what is the process/time/issues/chances for getting thru.
    I have served only 2 years on L1B here in US.
    The information you provided is not enough at all to answer yes or no... You need to answer other questions first...
    Are you a manager or executive?
    Were you a Manager or Executive for at least 1 year before coming to US?
    Were you a Manager or Executive for the same company you are working right now?
    Do you really manage people and/or a function without spending time in executing tasks yourself? Usually you need to be a managers of managers...

    If you meet all the criteria, you should have already the L1A visa.

    Usually companies apply for L1B because they know that you are not a manager/executive and they will not spend money by asking for a wrong visa. It is possible however that they received instructions for their lawyers and you could be eligible for L1A but they decided for a safe way. So, answer all the questions above and if all answers are YES you may have a chance.





