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H1 to L1 conversion

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  • H1 to L1 conversion

    I am in US on H1B visa. My company wants to convert my H1B to L1A immediately though I am not interested to. I would appreciate if anyone could clarify below of my questions.

    1. If my visa is converted to L1 at US, what will happen when I go to India for my vacation? Should I go again to US consulate,India for stamping during my vaction as my visa type got changed to L1. If yes, Will I get my stamping for sure 100%?.

    2. As I am in H1B, my wife holds H4 and she is planning to join me after 1 or 2 months from India. If so, can she travel in H4 if my visa gets converted to L1 before her travel to US?

    3. If I say “No” to my employer for conversion, Is there anyway my company can cancel my H1B visa without my approval?

    Thanks in advance.




