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I-94 mistake

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  • I-94 mistake


    Two days back my in-laws came to US (POE-NY) with our 2.5 year old twin boys. My in-laws were on B2 visa and kids on L2 visa.

    When my father-in-law filled I-94 for one of the twins, he entered his (father-in-law's) surname in place of family name instead of my son's surname. For the second boy, he forgot to enter in the 'Departure record' and the officer entered the details in that part. When we checked the I-94 of both boys, we found that in both I-94 forms the name is one of the boys (surname is correct in which officer filled). Now we are confused whether the officer has entered correct details for both boys in the system.
    Now for one of the twins, I-94 is not there. It is very confusing for us on what to do.

    Can someone tell us how to correct their I-94 and how to know whether the officer has entered correct details.

  • #2
    Go back to the CBP office at POE and get it sorted immediately before it becomes a bigger mess. You can try at an international airport closest to you by visiting the deferred inspection office.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.





