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Question Pertaining to my L-1 Experience

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  • Question Pertaining to my L-1 Experience

    Good Day Everyone,

    I have been working as a transfer employee in Germany with the same company (Started in US.) Plan was to return back to US and we applied for a L-1B Visa.

    I just received today an email from the consulate saying that I can send my passport for the L1-B stamping.

    The thing is I have been waiting over 4 months for this email and during that time the situation changed and I got offered a local contract by the Parent company, which I accepted.

    I am thinking of not having the L1-B stamped in my passport, as I can visit the US with my B1/B2 (already in Passport.) but at same time do not want to create any future complications.

    - Would NOT stamping the L1-B have any impact on future visits to US? (Security Check Cleared)
    - Will it have any impact on future US visa applications?

    - If decided to stamp it then how long can one wait to get the stamp? Is there a time limit after the visa is cancelled or so?

    I would really appreciate all answers to my question.

    Many Thanks in Advance!

  • #2
    You can choose not to get L1b stamped. No issues using other visa.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      Thanks a lot for your reply.

      Is there thought an expiration date for stamping it?
      Like if I go few months later and say hey, I have this visa ....

      I am only thinking of this option because if my company finds out that it is available I might go back into the ping pong game of pack and go to US or stay here in Germany.

      It gets tiring after a while!!


      • #4
        You can get the L1 stamped later on as long as the petition is valid and you meet the criteria. I did not understand your post completely.

        I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.





